TheGuildGaming EPOCH Panthera one of the only ones


Dayz Epoch Panthera such a cool map!
Our Ip is 192.169.122 port 3010
You have to download Panthera on play with 6, Commander does not have Panthera 2.9
can launch from commander but you must include -mod=@Panthera;@ibr_plants;@ibr_rn in settings launch perameters
we are rebuilding from an older larger community, we are a friendly group.
we do not mind pvp but do not put up with reckless base destruction.
Active admins that are helpful
Quite a few vehicles, and some are overpowered (will be this way until abused)
Currently editing traders (taking personel suggestions
We use mumble for voice and you are welcome to join (ask in game for info)

and Thanks to Opendayz for a spot to post