Unban vehicles banned by 1.7.7 via mission/server PBO?


So, Dayz.st server. Don't have access to the core server files, only the mission/server PBO files. Anyone have any clue about unbanning A10/Cobra/Apaches etc. via the mission/server PBOs?

I'm guessing it's likely impossible, but I'd really like to not use rmod. We were all plenty satisfied with the nerfed jets and attack helis, and they just had to take them out and ruin the fun. Rmod just seems to kill the playerbase, nobody wants to install it due to laziness and/or ignorance.

I've switched to rMod for now and we're having a ton of fun with the F35s but it's just my handful of friends. We need others to kill :)
With the latest update, i think rMod will be enabled on many more servers, so alot of people will probably start having it installed.

Removing the SUV and good guns was just stupid.

Alot of us server admins/owners seem to be interested in rmod now when we previously didn't want to touch it.
Pretty sure it's impossible without edits to the dayz_code which will require everyone to download said dayz_code to be able to connect. I read somewhere you may be able to disable BE signature checks but I don't think it's possible on dayz.st. That and you'd end up with even more hackers.

Rmod is the only option. I switched, server population literally vanished. So I'm back to with no attack helis, and most of my friends are pissed but at least we have other people to shoot at now besides ourselves.
I've tried to unban these vehicles with a couple different methods and have had no success. I'm starting to look more into RMod. Does DayZ Commander have RMod as a supported mod?
Nope. rMod isn't listed in dayzcommander for some reason and apparently too difficult to install for most people (sarcasm, it's copying a folder)