Vehicle repair script

Still having issues with how to exactly put in the coordinates for the buildings. I have two positions from two sources, the 3D edit, and a position I took using DayZCC in the database.

For the 3D edit, I get
_this = createVehicle ["CDF_WarfareBVehicleServicePoint", [10064.191, 1804.7014, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_134 = _this;
  _this setPos [10064.191, 1804.7014, 3.8146973e-006];

This was going to be a temp fix, but you can see those coordinates are not the same as the ones for the sensor. I also get Position: [200,[10067.3,1798.4,0]] (for Elektro repair) when I landed on the roof of the building and wrote down my position.

200 is what I'm guessing the direction of the object, and the others are X,Y,Z for the location on the map. What I had read before is that something switches the X,Y,Z for some files, so it reads, X,Z,Y, but I'm not sure if the position of my character was in relation to sea level or the actual height (I think I'm confusing myself). I'm going to try reversing the Y and Z of what I think is the proper building position, based on how Mattz has the gas stations for his Sensors. I'll post back if it works for me.
Edit: Sorry, posted before I saw your post. Will see what I can do with that information. I tried it how I thought it might work, but when I took a trip with a banged up car to elektro I couldn't repair it.
Also an easy way to get repair station's in the game without any scripting.

Just add the Warfare Vehicle Service Point's



They work as refuel and repair. Just free view, target and you get the option's, works like a dream:)
I got one of them to work like the original repair script, after I spawned in all the new vehicles (aka buildings I put up) when I restarted my computer after a few days. Now that I know it works with the coordinates from the player map for DayZCC, I'll add another building for certain locations on the map, and if anyone's interested, I'll post what I made if anyone would like to see what I did.
Ok so im looking through this and wondering is the building is even needed, Im looking to use this for player bases that have domes over them etc, but the script dosnt seem to activate
Sooo yeh just noticed the github version dosnt even call for a file to run the repair script :p
Also an easy way to get repair station's in the game without any scripting.

Just add the Warfare Vehicle Service Point's



They work as refuel and repair. Just free view, target and you get the option's, works like a dream:)

I added this building in my mission and it didnt give option to repair....any ideas?
See my post for repairable buildings (code is done differently and easier to do) if u cant get this working

credit for this post for getting me motivated to do it
This script works for me, but the text doesn't show in game I would like to see the vehicle chat. Does anyone have any ideas as to why i cant see the vehicle chat?
Dunno I did get this working on land after a bunch of issues, and it did display the vehicle chat, However it didnt work on my offshore bases :(
Thanks for the reply...
I had it working but ever since the Dayz Epoch update the vehicle chat stopped working.
I'm checking out that new thread and testing it, HEROTHOR. Thanks for the link. Also, I found and added some new buildings that looked like the first one, found out it was called Land_repair_center, so I had made a few more around the map and put the sensor for it, but that thread looks like a better solution, lol.
Yeah, Let me know if you get it fully working. I have auto refuel on my server, and so far these land repair centers are only auto refueling at the moment.