Vehicles gone after couple of restarts


Well-Known Member

Yet another issue i'm dealing with long time now.
I have 100 vehicles in my server, 8 Choppers.

All spawns good. All 8 choppers. But i noticed after couple of server restarts. They won't spawn back, even when they are in the object_data table.

Any suggestions ?
Not solved.

This is causing the problems:

Procedure execution failed
1366 - Incorrect decimal value: '' for column '' at row -1

Oke, so i deleted all cars out of the table. Leaving only the tents in it. And seems some tents are causing this problem. I thinks this is a serious problem. Because all cleanup/spawn script are not working now ! I have this problem after couple of restarts and i need to completely empty my object_data to solve it. And its not good for the server. Since people will lose there vehicles and tents.
Current fix for my problem

Seems like a single tent made the problem. The inventroy was: [] Nothing more.
When i deleted that tent, problem was gone. So i edited pCleanup so this will not happen again

Open pCleanup.

After: BEGIN
Add this:

        FROM object_data
    WHERE Classname = 'TentStorage'
  AND Inventory = '[]';

I have tried to locate many of the items that are in the object_data table and they don't seem to be on the map at all. I have even tried to modify one of the UAZ's in the object_data table to be at a known location and it isn't there. All of the items in my object_data table that I or my crew haven't located have "Inventory = '[]'". Could that be why they don't appear?
I have tried to locate many of the items that are in the object_data table and they don't seem to be on the map at all. I have even tried to modify one of the UAZ's in the object_data table to be at a known location and it isn't there. All of the items in my object_data table that I or my crew haven't located have "Inventory = '[]'". Could that be why they don't appear?

I don't think so. Because my new and fresh spawning vehicles always have Inventory [].

I think there is still a bug. Because my vehicles won't always respawn. ( specially choppers ) and they ARE in my object_data table. When i empty the table all vehicles seems to spawn again.
So, do I just delete only the vehicles that have 0 inventory and haven't been "claimed/located/found"? Or should I dump the entire contents of the table?

EDIT: I also changed everything in the objects_data that had inventory of '[]' to have '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]' like a bicycle that I've found. I'm having a friend verify if a UAZ is on the map after that change...
No luck changing the Inventory = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]'

I'm now going to remove the 'unfindable objects' and allow them to respawn and see if that fixes it.
Removing 'unfindable objects' seems to do the trick. I'm not sure why it happens, but sometimes (even immediately) after a spawn, they can't be located on the map. We are flying around the map in a helicopter to the vehicle locations after a spawn to see if they can be found.

Here's the nice little view I created to assist:
    select `object_data`.`Classname` AS `Classname`,
        `hivemind`.`fGetGPSCoordinate`(`object_data`.`Worldspace`,1) AS `X-Coord`,
        `hivemind`.`fGetGPSCoordinate`(`object_data`.`Worldspace`,2) AS `Y-Coord`,
        `hivemind`.`fGetGPSCoordinate`(`object_data`.`Worldspace`,3) AS `Z-Coord`,
        `object_data`.`CharacterID` AS `CharacterID`,
        `object_data`.`Damage` AS `Damage`,
        `object_data`.`Inventory` AS `Inventory`,
        `object_data`.`ObjectUID` AS `ObjectUID`
    from `object_data`

It uses this function to calculate the GPS coordinates:
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`` FUNCTION `fGetGPSCoordinate`(Worldspace VARCHAR(255), Pos INT) RETURNS varchar(15) CHARSET utf8
    NO SQL
    DECLARE sCoord VARCHAR(15);
    SET Worldspace = SUBSTRING_INDEX(Worldspace, ']', 1);
    SET Worldspace = SUBSTRING_INDEX(Worldspace, '[', -1);
    SET sCoord = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Worldspace, ',', Pos),
        LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Worldspace, ',', Pos -1)) + 1),
        ',', '');
    IF((Pos = 1) || (Pos = 2)) THEN
        SET sCoord = (sCoord/100);
    END IF;
    IF(Pos = 2) THEN
        SET sCoord = (152 - sCoord);
    END IF;
    RETURN sCoord;
please do this...

Log out near a vehicle, restart a few times and see what happens as you load in next to one.
I have a feeling they are blowing up but not recording the damage.
Then they will be removed , try it and let me know.
I have a feeling they are blowing up but not recording the damage.
Then they will be removed , try it and let me know.

Probably. My vehicles all spawns. 98 vehicles.
After people blow them up. SOMETIMES, they will respawn. But the other times it won't even respawn.
For example: i have 8 choppers and after 3 restarts there are just 2 left in de map, although there are 8 in my database with no damage at all..Unfindable
year mani people got this problem ... because ... i sort my vehicles like inventory and hitpoints and delete all unised vehicles every 3 days to fix this problem ... but its not a stable and got bug fix