Weapon Caches


Well-Known Member
I have added weapon caches onto my server via the 3d editor. They spawn correctly but only last for about 20 minutes before the server cleans them up. I used this guide http://www.dayzpatriots.com/adding-weapon-ammo-crates-1-7-7-1-t97.html before to add all of the exceptions, but the line of code that is of course the only thing i care about has changed from 1.7 to 1.8 that code is this:

"Check for Ammobox" \n
" {" \n
"if(!(_x isKindOf ""WeaponHolder"")) then {" \n
"diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING AN AMMOBOX "" + (typeOf _x));" \n
"deleteVehicle _x;" \n
"};" \n
"} forEach allMissionObjects ""ReammoBox"";" \n
"*/" \n
"" \n

We are told to comment out all of those lines and the weapon crates should stay but as i already stated that code doesnt exist. I really need some help fixing this as this is the last thing i need to do to polish my server off.