What happened to DayZMod development?

That's how its going to go from now on. There is a public and private repo, all the interim development takes place on the private repo...

That's what I gathered from all the Reddit drama that was going on two threads down from the can debacle.
I have no idea about the actual implications, or how that is a change from how it used to be, I made a local copy of the github after 1.7.6 so they had made the change at that point...

Frankly the official "DayZ Mod" is marked for death anyway...

I think everyone thought sooner rather than later, but as it turns out NOT the case...

Frankly the base code is too F'd up from what I understand, as is the DB... and some other ground level things that cause Rocket and most Devs who've tried to make their own version to abandon ship...

We think we've got some new fresh ideas that will negate a LOT of those concerns... so we're trucking forward... even if the official DayZ Mod is killed off... we're not going anywhere and trust me that will mean something when what we're working on is out.
Sorry I didn't mean to make it seem like it was completely closed...

I don't even think that it's private from public view, just you have to request access to contribute... but I haven't looked too into it... I KNOW that Rocket's philosophy for the official mod is a huge departure from my own, and that his plans will be to kill it and the hive eventually...

I'll spend my time developing a mod that won't be shuttered in order to make money off a standalone game.