

Valued Member!
I noticed that in my world_napf.sqf, I had a section at the bottom like this:

        //Generic Napf static spawns begin here
        //marker name, [minimum AI, max additional AI], [markers for manual spawn points] (leave as empty array to use nearby buildings as spawn points), equipType (optional, required if number of AI groups is defined), number of AI groups (optional)
        //Auto Generated
        ['DZAI_Lenzburg',[3,2],[],3] call DZAI_static_spawn;
        ['DZAI_Trueb',[2,1],[],0] call DZAI_static_spawn;

In the world_takistan.sqf, that section doesn't exist. What does that section do and why doesn't Takistan have it?
Napf is a special case since it shares a single config file for the DayZ Unleashed mod and generic Napf static spawns. The Unleashed config section was created by Thevisad (Unleashed dev) while the section below is what I made for generic Napf.

The Unleashed section uses the "old" format of defining static spawns while the generic section uses the "new" format, that is why they look so different. If you're running non-Unleashed Napf, the lower section (that uses DZAI_static_spawn) is the one that concerns you.