Worst Bug/Exploit in the game


Well-Known Member
I'd sure like to get a discussion going on how to reduce/eliminate players duping their gear.
I know of at least two methods. The worst and most common is the cloning method. Not only is the player able to duplicate all his gear, but it is left for any other player to come along and loot.

Does anyone have any script ideas they'd like to share to help the community combat these problems?
You don't need to create 6 threads for this problem. Once somebody has a script/fix and want's to release it, it will be here.
This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. If you don't have something positive to add, please don't troll here.
Just saying that that spamming a problem doesn't get it fixed faster. Calm you green tits.​
@ Spider... There you go, doing it again.
It's not spamming by the way, it's called networking. The people I'm looking for may not look at every forum. This is an issue more important than combat loggers.
Being that this is a help forum, I expect helpful people to reply. Not getting heckled.

@ CommanderRetra... Trolling other people's posts and not providing any useful feedback isn't exactly valuable life skills anyone needs. But I'm sure you were just kidding anyhow.

Now madzor on the other hand, at least tried to be helpful.
@ Spider... There you go, doing it again.
It's not spamming by the way, it's called networking. The people I'm looking for may not look at every forum. This is an issue more important than combat loggers.
Being that this is a help forum, I expect helpful people to reply. Not getting heckled.

@ CommanderRetra... Trolling other people's posts and not providing any useful feedback isn't exactly valuable life skills anyone needs. But I'm sure you were just kidding anyhow.

Now madzor on the other hand, at least tried to be helpful.

Spidy isn't trolling he is simply stating that if your you only need to post 1 thread not 6 if your calling that trolling then I think my idea of trolling and your idea of trolling are completely different...
going to have to agree with inuce here. as someone who is often needing help, there are several forums I post in, which would be more relevant to the issue, but they never get answered there. So I'll try a different forum, and maybe get an answer. I've had several questions about the SARGE AI , posted questions in the SARGE AI help section, and never get one answer, post the same problem here, answered the next day. I'd say just lay off, and if his "spamming" is annoying you, ignore him. Don't open the thread to comment on something irrelevant to the thread just because you might be a bit annoyed. That is unproductive at best. That being said, I don't really care if people dupe on my server, its a game, whatever they want to do to enjoy the game is fine with me. So long as it stops at exploiting a glitch. Using mods and other game breakers is not ok. Obviously if I catch them duping I'll warn them first, if I catch it twice I'll probably do what this guy did...
Ok, troll is a bit harsh of a term, so please accept my apology.
But you have to admit it's rude to come into a discussion with nothing positive to add and knock down someone who is only here looking for help. This is a help forum isn't it? It's like kicking someone while they're already down.

Well, this thread has gone way off topic...
Indeed it has, everyone has worked stuff out which is excellent! We all get sick of people asking silly questions from time to time.

Anywho all resume discussing the original topic :)
The guy who can figure this one out will be the biggest hero the DayZ community has ever seen. That is, if he's willing to share it...
The code posted by gaga
 // log disconnect
    _characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"];
    _timeout = _playerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0];
    diag_log format["Player UID#%1 CID#%2 %3 as %4, logged off at %5%6",
        getPlayerUID _playerObj, _characterID, _playerObj call fa_plr2str, typeOf _playerObj,
        (getPosATL _playerObj) call fa_coor2str,
        if ((_timeout - time) > 0) then {" while in combat"} else {""}
Hmm, this is the version I'm running that doesn't work...

// log disconnect
_characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"];
_timeout = _playerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0];
_timeout = _timeout - time;
diag_log format["Player UID#%1 CID#%2 %3 as %4, logged off at %5%6",
getPlayerUID _playerObj, _characterID, _playerObj call fa_plr2str, typeOf _playerObj,
(getPosATL _playerObj) call fa_coor2str,
if ((!isNil "_timeout") AND {(_timeout > 0)}) then {" while in combat"} else {""}

There's some minor differences I'll need to change. If you read further down that thread, it was also found not to work. I'll check it out anyhow. I'm fairly confident I can reproduce this glitch consistantly.

If this can be made to work, we need to spread the news to every server admin out there!
Confirmed, the code posted by gaga does not work.
The code I was using isn't perfect, but it does make it harder. You have to try several times.

I was looking through the scripting commands and found "setUnitPos". It seems to me, if you could force a player to "kneel" or "prone" position as he's logging off, it may deter the glitch from happening? From what I have seen and experienced, you can only reproduce the glitch while standing.
Just don't know where you would invoke this command. It would have to work when a player disconnects too.
ok I don't mean to take this thread off topic again, but I've got a serious question, and a funny comment. First the funny comment, I logged off to the lobby the other day because my admin tool wasn't working and needed a log to get it going again, it happens. When I logged back in my body was duped... and within a few seconds it turned into an AI, who then promptly tried to kill me. Im running SARGE AI of course. That blew my mind, I created an AI.
Now the serious question. How is it that people can come into my server with mods and spawn guns that I as the admin have no way to spawn.... is there a way to get more of the guns into my server? I know with vehicles you need RMOD, and then all of the people on my server would also need to have it.. but this guy just drops a crate full of guns in front of me and it has guns I've never seen before, some of which don't even work properly (can't use scope)... so how the hell is this possible?
Sorry again for going off topic here, I hope you find a solution in the near future, its just that this thread got me thinking and you guys seem to know what you're talking about. Feel free to message me if you don't want to continue this topic on this thread... again I apologize, this question has been bothering me.
It's my understanding anything can be spawned in. It just won't be there when the server restarts.

Turning duped bodies into AI, now that would be really cool! Are you running a new version of Sarge AI? I'm running 1.1.0 I think. Perhaps this is something new with 1.5?
Actually this may interest you. I use Vilayer server and Vilayer offers an admin/anti-hack tool call TheSilentWarrior. It's actually pretty bad ass especially for those of us who aren't comfortable in the database just yet. Anywho this guy got on my server the other day and he came up to a buddy of mine who was playing. Soon after I got a message from my buddy, "you need to come see this." So I teleported there to see what the fuss was about (I use that admin tool which gives you a toolbar on the scroll wheel, that thing is quite useful if you're going about the map setting vehicle spawns and such) When I showed up there was a guy with an interesting looking gun and a medical box on the ground in front of him, on the road actually. It was filled with a crap load of guns, most of them were guns you can't spawn on the regular dayz mod. Like the mk12, and the m60, ksvk, m4a3 RCO m203, etc. Well after he threated to kill me, I shot him dead, kicked him from the server. Now the interesting part. Those guns stay. Not only do they stay, but since I had them in my inventory, this TheSilentWarrior tool now lets me spawn them in at will... So that brought me to my question, how the hell is this possible?
Im actually not sure what version of SARGE Im running because its a Vilayer hosted mod, which means you can easy install it with the click of a button on their control panel. It doesn't list a version, and Im not aware of any versions listed in the files anywhere.

On a side note, I'll try and replicate this duping body turned to AI thing for you... not sure how to dupe bodies myself, and not sure how I did it, but it would be cool if we could replicate it, and then make dupe bodies do that everytime... Someone could think they're cool duping, just to get shot to piss by their own duped self!
I'd be especially interested if the duped body that is turned AI doesn't have a duplicate of all your stuff. Hopefully, it would just be a standard AI with maybe a gun and a clip.

Strange those spawned guns are staying. I would think the server cleanup thing would do away with such stuff.