Zed speed inside buildings


New Member
Hi. I'm trying to make zeds slighty faster inside buildings, and I would like to do it via mission.pbo

I was checking and modifying zombie_agent.fsm flowchart, but the behaviour for inside buildings seems to not being controlled from there (I have increased Loiting speed since it was 2, but it only affects their speed outside, when they enter a building they have the standard speed, and Chase seems not related neither).

Checking compiles, control_zombieAgent.sqf and zombie_findTarget.sqf are entirely commented and not used any more in

zombie_findTargetAgent.sqf doesn't seem affecting speeds at all, and zombie_loiter.sqf just defines their behaviour outside and when not chasing.

The only place where I found something related was in player_zombieCheck.sqf, where there are 3 commented lines:

// doStop _x;
// _x setVariable[doLoiter, false];
// _x forceSpeed (if ([getPosATL _x)] call fnc_isInsideBuilding) then {2} else {2});

I did some testings, uncommenting those lines and changing speeds, and changing some other thing in that file, but no luck.

Any one knows where is controlled that inside building behaviour for zeds?

I didn't found anything on dayz_server.pbo neither.