Zombie behaviour modifications


New Member
Hello all o/

So im running a small (tiny) private server, an just got the Sarge AI Frameworks installed. Everything works though the balance of player zombie have changed a bit. Small example could be: Im plowing with my DMR or whatever noicy sniper on top of a firestation at a group of AI. The surround zombies will ofc be alerted and drop by. My problem is that some of theese fights turn into me fighting for my life against zombies instead of AI. And ofc Zombies are great fun but for the moment we want more AI fun, less Zombie fun... still want the zombies there though, i just dont want to kill 100 zombies per one AI ;)

So the question i should have just asked ;) is:
Is there somewhere i can change the sound guns make OR, the zombie hearing range?
I have a feeling it could be quite simple, i have allready opened the pbo's and been looking around (that alone was quite the archievment for me ;) ). I dont have a clue though where to fiddle (i fiddled a little with no luck), and a side question is, if the clients needs to make this change as well? (ofc he does, but same changes as the servers or anything more particullar?)

Thank you, if you have come this far ;) hope you understood my late night babble text!
It's quite easy to modify. It's all client side. Look in your dayz_code.pbo. And in the compiles folder. I'll let you dabble a bit more. It's not hard to spot from there. :) Good luck!
that was a fast reply, " I'll let you dabble a bit more. It's not hard to spot from there." i like the "try a little more" answer, i might learn something :)"was" going to bed.

I have been looking into the controlzombieagent and the stealth, call me blind but havent seen anything that i could change so that zombies wouldnt hear my gun. After your reply though i took a look again!

So i found a sqf called player_fired, and it looks like i might hit something! Im still not all sure what to change, im very new to this, and have never programmed or scripted anything else in my life. But my oh so qualified guess would be changing:

//Alert Nearby
_audible = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "audibleFire");
_caliber = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "caliber");
_distance = round(_audible * 10 * _caliber);

the "10", to something smaller. Im having a little hardt time reading theese codes, but im guessing its calculating how far away zombies will be alerted ?
Ok that works, thanks on your tip with "all client side", made me realise that i might have to let server accept all signatures :) one last question though! This change of pbo needs to be passed to frinds as well. does it hurt to just pass them the "dayz_code.pbo" file, or are they forced to extract it themself? i dont know if there is any personal info in there that must not be touched...
Well if you sign your files and such you'll have a more secured server, but you'll have to look up how to sign files. But to answer your question. Yep all you have to do is pass your dayz_code.pbo to your friends and you will all have the same settings. If it's only you and your friends playing then I wouldn't worry about signing the files, but if you are planning to host a server, then signing your files is the way to go. Any who good luck with coding and scripting. :)
And yep they have to have your dayz_code.pbo if you want them to have the same settings as you. If not then you'll be the only one zombies wouldn't see or hear. :)

All of these changes you wish to make can be done server side - without touching your bisigns or altering client side DayZ code. All you have to do is create new .sqf files in a fixes folder in your server mission PBO. Paste into the new .sqf files , code from whatever file you want to alter - such as one file could be player_fired. So you'd paste all the code from player_fired into a new .sqf as described above, name it the same, make your edits, and then call it from your server mission PBO init like this:

player_fired = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\player_fired.sqf";

That would override the player_fired.sqf found in the DayZ Code, thus giving you the changes you desire. I have changed many aspects of zombie behavior with this method, and it works quite well.