Origins Server?

After a few hours of testing mostly everything seems to work, however loot spawns seem not to be operating correctly, we ran through an entire town and back again and there was no loot, go back later and there is loot there, also cant seem to see where we set a 4 hour day / night cycle? Any further help appreciated.
After a few hours of testing mostly everything seems to work, however loot spawns seem not to be operating correctly, we ran through an entire town and back again and there was no loot, go back later and there is loot there, also cant seem to see where we set a 4 hour day / night cycle? Any further help appreciated.

Have you managed to get any vehicles ingame? I've not got a single one to spawn in since setting mine up and using the previously mentioned fix
do you have the entries of the vehicles in the object_data table?
I dont have that and im using the same files as KamakaziXeX


Thank you Gagi2
Got it working by executing this in the database:
  INSERT INTO dayz_origins.object_data (`ObjectUID`, `Instance`, `Classname`, `Damage`, `CharacterID`, `Worldspace`, `Inventory`, `Hitpoints`, `Fuel`)
      ,1 as `Instance`
      ,NULL AS `CharacterID`
      ,'[]' AS `Inventory`
      ,5 AS `Fuel`
        dayz_origins.object_spawns OS
      INNER JOIN dayz_origins.object_classes OC
        ON OS.Classname = OC.Classname
        1 = 1
        AND OS.ObjectUID NOT IN
              1 = 1
How many people have tried verifySignatures = 2?

Suppose that and battle eye being enabled are the next step for me.
do you have the entries of the vehicles in the object_data table?

Yes, i managed to use your script to populate my object_data table with 447 vehicles, but no matter what i change my characters worldspace to (even the Ural's that spawn using pCleanup) i cannot find a single one

EDIT: Would the fact i'm running a temporary LAN server have anything to do with it? the server is usually up for a few hours for i and my girlfriend to play on and then i stop it to play on internet servers

EDIT2: I've just noticed only the Ural's spawned with pCleanup have CharacterIDs and datestamps the other 430 odd have no CharacterID or datestamp
when open battle eye it will be kick #115
i can only repeat myself... check your log... and see what is the EXACT reason...
and then you can edit your scripts.txt to solve this...
here once again is a short how-to to understand how it works... LINK
Procedure execution failed
1054 - Unknown column 'Inventory' in 'field list'

Procedure pMain not working...
Yes, i managed to use your script to populate my object_data table with 447 vehicles, but no matter what i change my characters worldspace to (even the Ural's that spawn using pCleanup) i cannot find a single one

EDIT: Would the fact i'm running a temporary LAN server have anything to do with it? the server is usually up for a few hours for i and my girlfriend to play on and then i stop it to play on internet servers

EDIT2: I've just noticed only the Ural's spawned with pCleanup have CharacterIDs and datestamps the other 430 odd have no CharacterID or datestamp

Restart your server but give it a few seconds before you start it up. I've had issues where if I didn't give it a 15 second pause between service stop and start it would not spawn vehicles in.
I've got people stuck when trying to upgrade from plot to house. It says something like pin invalid or please finish building other houses. something like that.

I've looked through the code a bit but im not sure what's causing it
guys. try this out! I am using pyscanner to filter the logs to catch any bad guys trying to mess up our server. BE kicks them before they can do anything.

EDIT: Ok guys, GP managed to bypass BE on my server so I went ahead and removed their code from the client files and then I overrode the code in the map!

Replace your pbo in the mpMissions with this file. This should fix it once and for all.

fix for the Anti-Private server code:
1 "" !="zombiespawn" !="zombied" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="dayzLoginRecord" !="dayzCharDisco" !="dayzPlayerSave" !="usecBleed" !="dayzHit" !="usecTransfuse" !="usecBandage" !="dayzPlayerMorph" !="usecPainK" !="usecEpi" !="dayzPublishObj" !="dayzRoadFlare" !="dayzDiscoAdd" !="dayzGutBody" !="dayzHideBody" !="dayzDeleteObj" !="dayzUpdateVehicle" !="dayzSetFix" !="dayzHumanity" !="dayzDiscoRem" !="usecMorphine" !="dayzSetFuel" !="dayzFlies" !="changeCharacter" !="dayzSwitch" !="dayzFire" !="norrnRaDrag" !="norrnR180" !="norrnRalie" !="norrnRALW" !="norrnRACarUp" !="norrnRAPicUp" !="norrnRnoAnim" !="remExField" !="BIS_MPF_logic" !="remExFP" !="dayzDeath" !="player" !="drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="dayzSetDate" !="rsay" !="rland" !="rsetdir" !="messing" !="startcombattimer" !="combattimeout" !="posforceupdate" !="temperature" !="targets" !="norrn_unconscious" !="usec_iscardiac" !="medforceupdate" !="usec_injured" !="usec_lowblood" !="doloiter" !="looted" !="pilot" !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;"
5 "dayzLogin"
5 "dayzLogin2"
5 "teleported"
1 "nil"
1 "true"
1" false"
1 "remExFP"
1 "BIS_MPF_logic"
1 "JIPrequest"
1 "JIPexec"
1 "alive"
5 "dayzSetDate"
5 "rsay"
5 "rland"
5 "rsetdir"
5 "local_sefFuel"
1 "spawn"  !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;" !="zombiespawn"
1 "BIS_Effects"
5 "hiveupdateresu"
1 "" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="dayzLoginRecord" !="dayzCharDisco" !="dayzPlayerSave" !="usecBleed" !="dayzHit" !="usecTransfuse" !="usecBandage" !="dayzPlayerMorph" !="usecPainK" !="usecEpi" !="dayzPublishObj" !="dayzRoadFlare" !="dayzDiscoAdd" !="dayzGutBody" !="dayzHideBody" !="dayzDeleteObj" !="dayzUpdateVehicle" !="dayzSetFix" !="dayzHumanity" !="dayzDiscoRem" !="usecMorphine" !="dayzSetFuel" !="dayzFlies" !="changeCharacter" !="dayzSwitch" !="dayzFire" !="norrnRaDrag" !="norrnR180" !="norrnRalie" !="norrnRALW" !="norrnRACarUp" !="norrnRAPicUp" !="norrnRnoAnim" !="remExField" !="BIS_MPF_logic" !="remExFP" !="dayzDeath" !="player" !="drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="dayzSetDate" !="rsay" !="rland" !="rsetdir"  !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;" !="norrn_unconscious" !="usec_iscardiac" !="medforceupdate" !="usec_injured" !="usec_lowblood" !="doloiter" !="looted" !="pilot"
1 "dayzLogin"
1 "dayzLogin2"
5 "teleported"
1 "nil"
1 "true"
1" false"
1 "remExFP"
1 "BIS_MPF_logic"
1 "JIPrequest"
1 "JIPexec"
//1 "dayzDeath"
//1 "player"
1 "alive"
5 "dayzSetDate"
5 "rsay"
5 "rland"
5 "rsetdir"
5 "local_sefFuel"
1 "spawn"  !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;"
1 "BIS_Effects"
5 "hiveupdateresu"
Thanks go to hangender for helping me on this.
Any idea which part of the code handles the login menu, been trying to locate it but not having much luck >.<