Problem Namalsk 0.72


New Member
I installed the new update and even have done a complete reinstall on my servers mappack and update. Ive gone through the INIT in the dayz_1.namalsk.pbo.
They are listed correctly matching, but for some reason my server doesnt spawn bloodsuckers nor do the blowouts happen. But the new loot does spawn.

anyone else with Bliss server having this problem?

dzn_ns_bloodsucker = true;
ns_blowout = true;
ns_blowout_dayz = true;
dayzNam_buildingLoot = "CfgBuildingLootNamalsk";
Blowouts for me arent working, however i was coming into an issue with server have wrong dayz_server.pbo. If your having this, make sure in @hive/addons/ you do not have backup dayz_server_backup.pbo or dayz_server (copy).pbo as the hive will run them without running the default dayz_server.pbo . I just wasted a butt load of time on this. =)
Thanks for the response. I found out why it wasnt working correctly. The mission file was missing a few pieces of code in for the bloodsuckers and blowouts. Works fine now.
Thanks for the response. I found out why it wasnt working correctly. The mission file was missing a few pieces of code in for the bloodsuckers and blowouts. Works fine now.

You've actually got them working? I've been completely unsuccessful so far. Maybe you could help me out? =]

Hit me on Steam maybe?