Recent content by Grindmetal

  1. Grindmetal

    Day/night cycle Cause Lag server, tried everything already, do not let the cycle very fast too because the server freezeing
  2. Grindmetal

    Day/Night Cause Lag server, tried everything already, do not let the cycle very fast too because the server freezeing
  3. Grindmetal

    DayZ Whitelister Pro Plus

    thx man!!!! *-*
  4. Grindmetal

    Reality CP setup

    install NETFRAMEWORK 2012*
  5. Grindmetal

    DayZ Whitelister Pro Plus

    pliss share php code page Form insert Mysql DATA thxx
  6. Grindmetal

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    MANY THXXX MAN work 100% With DAyz CC5 5.9xxxx
  7. Grindmetal

    BanZ Union - Shared ban list between reputable server owners

    awww thx man!! Awesome Look site !Cut! !! sry my eng :(
  8. Grindmetal

    Side Chat not working

  9. Grindmetal

    Side Chat not working --channels 0,2,6
  10. Grindmetal

    Made a script a while back, to show the average lifespan of your server, on your webpage.

    is to place an index to put your name, email and the GUID for the whitelist? where can I find it? PLiss!
  11. Grindmetal

    Adding dayz server stats to webpage.

    is to place an index to put your name, email and the GUID for the whitelist? where can I find it?
  12. Grindmetal


    Nice news THXX