Recent content by KernalPanic

  1. KernalPanic

    Is Taviana dead???

    so, it's dead right? Looks like Hicks abandon ship. Too bad. I was really looking forward to it.
  2. KernalPanic

    Is Taviana dead???

    So what's the story with Tavi? Will we get an update? If so, can we get an ETA?
  3. KernalPanic

    DayZTavi 4.0 (Pwnoz0r Build)

    From the PC gamer article ... "Piggybacking off of DayZ's success seems cheap" HA!!! No actually it is cheap, plain and simple. Origins is not a mod in spirit based purely on the crap they are doing here. I hope Rocket serves these bastards a CaD for trying to profit from the DayZ name...
  4. KernalPanic

    DayZTavi 4.0 (Pwnoz0r Build)

    so let me get this straight.... GP/Origins got the rights to the Taviana map cause that maps creator is on board with their mod now and they don't want anyone else to now use Taviana map in dayZ???? Is that right? If that's the case then they should be ashamed of themselves. DayZ is a mod...