Recent content by littlerock

  1. L

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    no change yet, must be something else
  2. L

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    the problem with the hidden teammember is that he is your leader and give orders (disembark or sth like that). Thats seems to be a gamlogic or some kind of invisible skin. His posotion is somewhere 24/22,5 (ingame Koords).
  3. L

    Mapobjects still explode

    I commented it all, but the Flak 38 Bunkers still explode. Any Clue why?
  4. L

    Dayz 1944 vehicles

    no i meant, that it would be good if you can add some disarmed models, like Halftrack without MG or Bren Carrier without MG, Tanks without cannon and Mg and so on.
  5. L

    TO DO!

    Some things would be nice: - Cars without weapons - Option to ban the standard-dayz-weapons and vehicel - Simplify Ammo-names e.g: "G3-Gease ammo, Mp44-Ammo .... " and so on.. there are very long names and not easy to see it fast when looting Nice Mod, I love it work on :).
  6. L

    Dayz 1944 vehicles

    We added the vehicel, manually. Works fine so far. We have problems with some cars and it would be wonderrful, if you can add some cars without weapons e.g. Halftracks and so on.
  7. L

    Support subforum?

    Simply delete the file helps :). Stupid workaround but works.
  8. L

    Minor Problem with server config :)

    okay fixed. Seems to be a problem with the vehicle.sql and the qord_vehicle.sql. We do it oldshool :).
  9. L

    Minor Problem with server config :)

    We setup an I44-DayZ-Server today. All is fine beside some minor things. We dont get a vehicle spawn yet... . hive.log: We hope, you can help us :).
  10. L

    Dayz - Bus with driver

    For multiply reasons i dont want to turn off the hackerprotection. I first want to figure out, if we can use the script with an Bus correctly spawned by DB. At the moment I spawned an Ikarus right in front of my driver. He gets in and drive the bus. So far no problems. But I try to assign...
  11. L

    Dayz - Bus with driver

    Ok if we want him to drive we need to deaktivate the "addaction to driver's seat" or we can define the "busfahrer" as driver of the bus. busfahrer assignAsDriver bus; If I change "bus" with "this", the player still can change the seat. I'll try to make the bus indestructable with...
  12. L

    Dayz - Bus with driver

    He dont have to do much and at the moment he drives the bus perfectly. The problem is, that the bus is spawned by db, so I have to reset the bus with a php-script on each restart. The problem for example is, that the bus isnt indestructable and the player can switch to driver seat. If i could...
  13. L

    Dayz - Bus with driver

    Hi I have a problem with creating a bus with a busdriver. I want that the busdriver drive the bus to serveral waypoints in a loop. If I take a bus spawned by the Editor. The bus explodes, so i decided to spawn a bus though the Database. The busdriver enters the bus and drive it. So far no...