Recent content by luckystrikes

  1. luckystrikes

    Thought i found a good host....

    This worked for me.... Ok, so after many weeks of issues I finally got bored and started experimenting. I am not sure what changed variable solved my issue but here is what I did. -Deleted my scheduled task that I had set to repeat every 4hrs -Replaced my scheduled task with 6 separate...
  2. luckystrikes

    Thought i found a good host....

    Oh wow, Thanks for posting. I too have been having the same issue with hfb but have been too lazy to send in a ticket. I have noticed that my midnight restart never fails.... perhaps what I will try is 6 scheduled tasks at 4 hour intervals instead of one scheduled task repeating every 4hrs...
  3. luckystrikes

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    Not sure if it will help cen but I did this - 1. created a subomain 2. put all contents of hive tools into subdomain folder 3. (info filled out but test not working) 4. locked/added users to my subdomain 5. deleted install.php 6. profit
  4. luckystrikes

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    Ignore the test... I was never able to get that to work on mine either. Fill out all info and install... you can edit the config directly or in "settings" later if you still have issue. Many thanks nightmare.... this makes life much easier.
  5. luckystrikes

    Zombie knock down - removed

    Description -Prevents zombies from knocking you down. ##credit to womp## 1)create compiles.sqf - add to root of mission add this ... player_zombieAttack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "player_zombieAttack.sqf"; 2)add to init call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf"...
  6. luckystrikes

    Air raid - bombing and siren

    Hmm, I must have installed it wrong. It drops heros instead of bombs & plays mucha muchacha.
  7. luckystrikes

    SUV Skins/Colors

    Making the file a .paa, placing picture in mission folder & then setting the init in mission.sqm - init="this setObjectTexture [0,""test1.paa""]"; It is possible to spawn a custom vehicle.... but the damn thing explodes.