Recent content by matty543

  1. M

    Cant add Buildings to Namalsk

    Can we add buildings to Namalsk with this new 0.741 update?
  2. M

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    iM READING SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS HERE MY HEADS ABOUT TO EXPLODE, oops srry had caps on lol, im a noob here and with everyone saying Paste here(but not saying where here is) is bloody confusing, Im running a chernarus server can somebody plz walk this noob here(me) the exact steps i...
  3. M

    UCAZ Servers

    yes plz ^^ and can you delete these last 2 posts lol
  4. M

    UCAZ Servers

    Hey guys just advertising my clans servers we just put up Vehicles,Vehicles,Vehicles,Vehicles,Vehicles,Vehicles lol, seriously we have lots ^^ and our new panthera one has custom buildings too, we will change our namaslk one soon since custom building...
  5. M

    How to Edit mission pbos

    i want to try adding and But i have no idea where to find it, plz note im a complete noob at this script stuff, but i love dayz and really want to add...
  6. M

    Cant add Buildings to Namalsk

    DAMN thats disapointing, Namalsk is my favourite map :( Can you at least plz tell me what maps are compatible to add new buildings to? And thx for answering my questions ^^
  7. M

    Cant add Buildings to Namalsk

    so theres no chance to do it :( Could of sworned i played a namalsk server with more buildings added on it before, there were hangers at the airfield and a new town added on the map with a hospital too
  8. M

    Cant add Buildings to Namalsk

    Ok ive been using a tutorial on how to edit maps from youtube and it worked perfect on panthera. and when i insert the script for namalsk it says it worked through phpmyadmin, but when i login nothing happens, no buildings nothing! I edit my namalsk map, save it through multiplayer, i open the...
  9. M

    Adding buildings via Database

    i converted it already, srry i should of said it in my post. And plz put that vid up asap lol
  10. M

    Adding buildings via Database

    i have a Namalsk server, im trying to find out what im doing wrong my biedi file when i try to paste it in my database i get this