Recent content by meat147

  1. M

    Reality Skype Support Group

    hey there can someone invite me to the Group? Nickname : nevada13589 Links are not working on Win 8 and Mac OSX
  2. M

    [Release] Safezones

    Yeah okay. ;) Iam ill so i was not on TS but i think i will come today. ;) but not sure. ;)
  3. M

    [Release] Safezones

    btw. do you use Reality with zombies ziel los 2k or how that is named ?
  4. M

    [Release] Safezones

    if (isServer) then { execVM "scripts\zombie_teleport.sqf"; //===================piXel 15-02-2013=========== dogOwner = []; //=========================end================== _serverMonitor =[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf"; };
  5. M


    you have already a Deactivtionexecperssion in the Script.
  6. M

    [Release] Safezones

    Do you want to make that tutorial ?;) that would be nice credits go to me and Felix. ;)
  7. M

    [Release] Safezones

    No problem . ;)
  8. M

    [Release] Safezones

    that is not needed. ;) But you should execute it server side. ;) if (isServer) then { execVM "portzombieseast.sqf" execVM "portzombiessouth.sqf" execVM "portzombieswest.sqf" }; so you execute it only by the server! So, with your setup every player execute it with that setup...
  9. M

    [Resources] - DayZ Server Additions

    * for safezone script because this is not working. ;) only players are not able to kill some one hmmvs and so on kill. ;) I will write one. later
  10. M

    [Release] Safezones

    how and where do you execute your code ? ;)
  11. M

    [Release] Safezones

    yeah.. so it should work. ;) An other Problem is that the Basisshield only works for players not for Cars so if a player comes into the zone with a hummv m2 or so then he can kill a player but he get killed too but when he let a car explode he can kill players i am working on a solution for...
  12. M

    [Release] Safezones

    if you want to you can connect to our teamspeak and we can talk. ;)
  13. M

    [Release] Safezones

    Hey Kikyou, do you have tested it ? I think it will not work because Private ["_Basis","_EH_Fired","_EH_Hit","_EH_Killed"]; _Basis = _this select 0; //Basisname while {true} do { //wait until Player is in base, then start Eventhandler waitUntil {vehicle player in list...
  14. M

    Fixing weird Script Restriction #106

    that is the one that felixberndt and iam Using. ;)