Recent content by Raveypoopoo

  1. R

    Seven's Custom Loot Table, weird.

    1.7.7 banned basically everything that isn't in vanilla dayz
  2. R

    Seven's Custom Loot Table, weird.

    Shot in the dark, the m4spr is probably dayz banned
  3. R

    [1.7.7] Infection reduction / antibiotic increase

    Does anybody have an estimate of what to set this to in order to make it close to infection rate?
  4. R

    Deployable Ammo Crates and 1.7.7

    I've got an ammo box small spawning on my server, it's always been empty so I don't know if that aspect of it is broken, but it definitely appears. And as a side note, to force people into playing rocket's vision of a good game, rather then our own version of his vision.
  5. R

    1.7.7 was a kick in the nuts to the modding community from Rocket

    Read: "You don't like to play the game the way I do, so you misunderstand the point of the game (because it obviously isn't to have fun)" Heres the thing, my server included all the scars and whatnot as rare collector items that had practicality. It created a fun little endgame of groups of...
  6. R

    Help needed with models for certain people

    Yep, thats how I ended up going about it.
  7. R

    Help needed with models for certain people

    But it would be lost if they ever put on a ghillie suit and took it back off wouldn't it?
  8. R

    Help needed with models for certain people

    Could you post the entire file so I could get a better look at everything?
  9. R

    Cant get auto refuel to work on my server Follow it exactly and it'll work, for a more customizable version you could also use:
  10. R

    Help needed with models for certain people

    IIRC I had it right after _isHiveOk = false; //EDITED if (_hiveVer >= dayz_hiveVersionNo) then { _isHiveOk = true; }; Though I wouldn't recommend doing it this way as there are better methods.
  11. R

    Is it possible to add weapons boxes into the loot cycle?

    It should be considering 5.56 and 7.62 boxes are
  12. R

    Group System(non epoch)

    Did you ever work the positioning out?
  13. R

    Help needed with models for certain people

    Works as expected, by overwriting the player_wearClothes.sqf and adding an if statement to the survivor skin it's possible to change the default skin for certain people to whatever works. I changed this: switch (_item) do { case "Skin_Sniper1_DZ": { _model = "Sniper1_DZ"; }...
  14. R

    Help needed with models for certain people

    I recently realized that this wasn't the best way to go about doing it because anyone who switched a ghillie suit off would be wearing regular civies again. To remedy that I decided to use a method akin to how bandit and hero skins are applied by through the player_changeclothes.sqf. I'll post...
  15. R

    Help needed with models for certain people

    On my server I'm looking to apply certain skins to certain people to differentiate different factions. In order to do this I added if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["118875142","112928774","75487622","118248966","60222918","2842624","88739718","70500486","111248902"]) then { //all groups if...