Recent content by X060T

  1. X

    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    How to install it to dayz epoch server There is no server_updateNearbyObjects.sqf in this version of Epoch mod.
  2. X

    GoldKey Dayz Epoch NAPF noPVP(PVE) Server

    паренек, ты форумом ошибся.Это админский форум, и игроков тебе с него не привлечь.Тем более смотри куда пишешь , спамер, если англ. язык не знаешь, то гугл переводчик юзай!
  3. X

    [DISCUSSION] DayZ Origins-like DiscoBot

    Will this work on the EPOCH?
  4. X

    [Release] Church heal

    Required to make the blur effect disappeared after a certain time. My players complain about the murky picture.
  5. X

    Calling script in server.pbo from fn_selfactions.sqf

    Did you manage to solve this problem?
  6. X

    [Release] Church heal

    I have the media folder in my root mission folder and my .ogg in it. So the code is class CfgSounds sounds[] = { cureEffect }; class cureEffect { name="cureEffect"; sound[]={media\cure_effect.ogg,0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; also I've tried this way with {...
  7. X

    [Release] Church heal

    of course I've puted the .ogg file in the mission folder and specify the path in the description.ext properly, but in the game floating that the cureEffect did'nt found. First of all I thoght that { is missing in your code class CfgSounds //right here missing {// sounds[] = {...
  8. X

    [Release] Church heal

    Sound CureEffect isn't playing
  9. X

    Excelsior Bridge - Chernarus

    Is there any idea how to insert the Taviana's bridge into Chernorussia?
  10. X

    [Request] Player ID zone restriction and humanity restriction zone

    UrbanSkaters, show us your code,please!;)
  11. X

    [Request] Player ID zone restriction and humanity restriction zone

    may be something like this. First of all you should create the trigger at the restricted area of yours. This trigger will activate the script will named "defendarea.sqs" for example. defendarea.sqs should contain the next code if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["12345","54321"]) then { hintSilent...
  12. X

    Car Radio

    any ideas how to implement it?
  13. X

    Car Radio

    is it possible to add Internet radio station in the playlist?
  14. X

    Add your own custom sounds

    I'm wondering how to add the internet radio channel instead of sound, such as using a trigger with the Loudspeakers?