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    [BMG]DayZ Epoch Chernarus |Active Admins|Custom Buildings|Bloodbag|Tow & Lift|SafeZones + More

    Welcome to our server, DayZ Epoch - BMG 15790 50 Player slots IP: Port: 2302 ~~ FEATURES: Custom Bases / Buildings Indestructible Base Building Materials Basic Starting Gear* Server time GMT -10 (Perfect for US based evening players) Side Chat...
  2. T

    Question about putting custom loadscreen server side.

    Over at my server, we have implemented a spiffy custom load screen. Due to the fact that we have it load directly from the Mission.pbo, we had to do some considerable image editing wizardry to get the file size down to an acceptable level so our mission file wouldn't be over 800kb. The result...
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    Server_monitor and Server_function not found - DayZ Epoch

    I was working on the dayz_server.pbo recently, uploaded it to my server and got hung at requesting authentication. Went to check the RPT logs and all was well save for the following errors... 23:57:41 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found 23:57:48...
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    Constantly getting "Not Whitelisted" kick on public server

    I've been helping a guy with his Epoch server, getting various things installed and generally enjoying the game. Well it all started right after a scheduled restart, I came back about five minutes after the restart and tried to log in. If gave me the following error and kicked me out...
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    Serious trouble installing two scripts

    Hi, I'm currently working with some people to get a new Epoch server started (v1.0.2.1, Chernarus map) and have has serious difficulty installing two scripts in particular. We followed the original instructions to the letter (several times, in fact), tried installing them together at the same...