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  1. R

    Possible Nuke script / fallout like experience on server?

    Back to the main subject, the nuke event...could scripts be mashed together, in a working fashion, and have the nuke used as an event? Like the heli crashes? This way its random, and not on a set location every time? I'm fixing to get creative.....maybe lol
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    Possible Nuke script / fallout like experience on server?

    Its pretty much a direct replica of the video you posted. I can't take credit for it, as I fished the interwebz for a while to find it. But my Cherno players love it, and I'm sure your's will too. Now I just need a random nuke every so often to finish the tone ;)
  3. R

    Possible Nuke script / fallout like experience on server?

    Here ya go _hndl = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1501]; _hndl ppEffectAdjust [2, 30, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8*2, 0.5*2, 0.0, 0.7], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0]]; _hndl ppEffectCommit 0; _hndl ppEffectAdjust [1, 0.8, -0.001, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8*2, 0.5*2, 0.0, 0.7], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9...
  4. R

    Grafzahl's Breakable Melee Weapons on Buildables

    Any insight on this?
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    Possible Nuke script / fallout like experience on server?

    @FoamysWorld I completely understand, you're only human sir. ;) I will however, be watching with close eye, stalking if you will, for when or if you share this masterpiece. Fantastic job again, and I apologize for how you were greeted.
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    Possible Nuke script / fallout like experience on server?

    Foamy, just wanted to say that looked fantastic. Would kill to throw that in my Cherno server.
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    Grafzahl's Breakable Melee Weapons on Buildables Couldn't find a help thread, and I'm having an issue, so figured I'd open the door, lol. I tried this script out on my Panthera server, and it was successful, to a point. It would only work on the hatchet...
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    Static Spawns

    Okay, to troubleshoot it I'll remove vehicle patrols for a session to see if my players just aren't killing them. lol Thanks!
  9. R

    Static Spawns

    _this setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; was just peeking thru the world_panthera2.sqf, would I set these lines to false to prevent them from spawning? trying to act like I know what I'm talking about lol having no issues with the dynamic AI, just have groups of up to 6 roaming...
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    Static Spawns

    Running Epoch Panthera
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    Static Spawns

    I haven't added any custom spawns. Was just the base DZAI and whatever it provided, aside from turning on the heli/vehicle patrols. Have since decided to remove the pve aspect of my server so I set the dynamic/static to false, but still have rogue groups roaming around.
  12. R

    Static Spawns

    So I have set the dynamic spawns to false, and the static spawns to false. But I still have some rogue groups wandering around due to the world map config. Is there a way to turn them off as well? I'm looking to use only the heli and vehicle patrols currently. Thanks!
  13. R

    [Ruthless Toothless] Epoch Panthera

    Ruthless Toothless Gaming Presents Epoch Panthera!! Features; NO Plot Pole Required To Build Safe Traders Edited Traders DZAI, With Dynamic Spawn, Heli Patrol and Vehicle Patrol WAI Mission System With Edited Loot WAI Paradrops And Vehicle Patrols Self BB Take...
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    Ruthless Toothless Gaming Presents Epoch on Taviana

    NEWS: Our first event after updating to 1.0.3, The Manhunt, was a complete success and a ton of fun! The winner was [C-I] Chesty, he scored an L85 Thermal, MK17 RCO, EIGHT full briefcases, AND the grand prize, out of 6 available non spawning vehicles, picked an M113 Armored Personnel...
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    edited mission via editor....

    thank you so much for the reply. we have everything implemented now!
  16. R

    edited mission via editor....

    Okay, hope this is the right spot for this post, if not my apologies. Been searching, but can't seem to find the answer. I have added a base and a few other things around the map in the 3d editor, and believe my work is finally done. Now I do not do any coding/scripting on the server I help...