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  1. N

    Some questions

    it does not change anything except that: now I have bots in cherno
  2. N

    Some questions

    All points are on the ground. I just want bots in cherno and NWAF and i have them at berezino kamenka pavlovo stary... There is 5 points in nwaf but not mine. There is nothing in cherno. 2 points in elektro. 5-6 berezino and in the little town on the map
  3. N

    Some questions

    and in my cust_spans_chernarus.sqf I have many spawn, but no one at the right coordinates :( Maybe anyone will see my mistake! Good night! :)
  4. N

    Some questions

    Static spawn is true Dynamic spawn is false here what i have in my cust_marker_chernarus.sqf
  5. N

    Some questions

    i dont' see anything like this number. it doesn't matter. I have setting all spawn point like i explain you, but, why i have bots that are beyond where i tell them to spawn?!
  6. N

    Some questions

    Ok thanks a lot, Kill one bandit give 5points of humanity Last question: Where can i modify this?
  7. N

    Some questions

    What is MarkerAlpha?!
  8. N

    Some questions

    Ok i think i understood. In cust_markers_chernarus.sqf Make markers like these: _this = createMarker ["cherno3", [4829.91,10144.8,0]]; _this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _this setMarkerType "Empty"; _this setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _this setMarkerSize [200, 200]; _this setMarkerAlpha 0; _this =...
  9. N

    Some questions

    Is it a marker wich you speak? In "init\world_map_configs\world_chernarus.sqf" _this = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [6970.9785, 2640.334]]; _this setTriggerArea [600, 600, 0, false]; _this setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _this setTriggerTimeout [10, 15, 20, true]; _this...
  10. N

    Some questions

    Hi people! :) I am new here and i request your help. I have a few questions about DZAI: Can someone explain something: [ "dzaicustomspawntest", //This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area. 2, //This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units. 1...