Some questions


New Member
Hi people! :)

I am new here and i request your help.

I have a few questions about DZAI:

Can someone explain something:

"dzaicustomspawntest", //This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
2, //This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
1, //AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true //(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here:
] call DZAI_spawn;

I can't access to the link.

What is the maximum of member in a group?
Where the bots will spwan?
Can i put coordinates? (it will very usefull)
Does they stay in a building? (i want to close a castle and put lot of AI in and do a raid on this castle)
I have deactivated dynamic spawn, and activate static.

Sorry for my basic English

Hoping to read soon. Good night! :)
There is no limit for the number of AI units, but I don't recommend anything higher than 6 per spawn. Excessively large AI groups have difficulty maintaining formation.

The area covered by the marker you create will act as the area where AI can spawn (I described this in the comments).

The AI will not spawn in buildings. This is done for a few reasons - to avoid having AI spawned on top of tall objects because they will fall off and die, and because AI often have trouble moving in buildings and getting stuck.
Is it a marker wich you speak?

In "init\world_map_configs\world_chernarus.sqf"

_this = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [6970.9785, 2640.334]];
_this setTriggerArea [600, 600, 0, false];
_this setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true];
_this setTriggerTimeout [10, 15, 20, true];
_this setTriggerText "Cherno3";
_this setTriggerStatements ["{isPlayer _x} count thisList > 0;", "0 = [1,1,200,thisTrigger,[],0] call fnc_spawnBandits;", "0 = [thisTrigger] spawn fnc_despawnBandits;"];
_trigger_10 = _this;

Coordinate where the AI spawn, ok
Is 600,600 is a value for the radius for spawn for the coordinate?
Can you explain me the rest of these values?

I want to put AI in 2 zones, Tcherno and the NWAF, (and one in a custom building like a castle i ll do this when I have understood how it works)

Can we be drunk with beers on bots? lol

Thanks! :)
Ok i think i understood.
In cust_markers_chernarus.sqf
Make markers like these:
_this = createMarker ["cherno3", [4829.91,10144.8,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno2", [4792.71,10193.3,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

And tell him in cust_spawns_cernarus.sqf

"Cherno3",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
1,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here:
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno2",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
1,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here:
] call DZAI_spawn;
It looks like you have it correct. The markeralpha line is to prevent the marker area from appearing on the map.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Check your dzai_ config.sqf. Every setting can be found there.I don't hide any configurable settings in any other file.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
i dont' see anything like this number. it doesn't matter.

I have setting all spawn point like i explain you, but, why i have bots that are beyond where i tell them to spawn?!
Are you sure you've looked in the config file? Check the line where DZAI_humanityGain is defined.

For the second question, I don't know?
Static spawn is true
Dynamic spawn is false

here what i have in my cust_marker_chernarus.sqf

Custom Marker Requirements:

1. Marker shape must be Ellipse (Could be rectangular but the function will consider the marker as elliptical regardless)
2. Marker should have identical x and y dimensions. If they are different, the smaller dimension will be used instead.

The area covered by the marker will be used as the patrol and spawning area.

Example Marker (Note: the marker name must be unique! In this example, it's named "dzaicustomspawntest"):

_this = createMarker ["dzaicustomspawntest", [6650.9883, 9411.541, -6.1035156e-005]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

Note: This marker will be used in the example further below.

//----------------------------Add your custom markers below this line ----------------------------

_this = createMarker ["cherno1", [7026.22, 2859.83, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno2", [6853.89, 2465.39, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno3", [6848.99, 2467.79, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno4", [6659.85, 2369.56, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno5", [6897.33, 2493.4, 0.103]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno6", [6795.8, 2520.77, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno7", [6900.76, 2538.21, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cheron8", [6819.43, 2426.11, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["cherno9", [6825.13, 2432.47, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf1", [4109.18, 11183.6, 0.002]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf2", [4765.2, 10760.9, 0.002]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf3", [5219.16, 9782.12, 0.002]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf4", [4541.39, 9867.21, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf5", [4196.14, 10348. 9,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf6", [3929.53, 10986.4, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf7", [4466.79, 10752.8, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf8", [4724.01, 10320.4, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["nwaf9", [4848.88, 10109.5, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["test1", [3698.39, 10433.5, 0.002]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["test2", [3795.41, 10264.3, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;

_this = createMarker ["test3", [3756.83, 10399.8, 0]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;
and in my cust_spans_chernarus.sqf

DZAI Custom Spawn Function

Description: An easy-to-use function for server admins to create AI spawns at specific locations.

Explanation of DZAI_spawn:

"dzaicustomspawntest",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
2,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
1,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here:
] call DZAI_spawn;

Weapon Grade explanation:

0: Approx 40% of maximum AI skill potential - weapon from Farm/Residential loot table.
1: Approx 55% of maximum AI skill potential - weapon from Military loot table
2: Approx 70% of maximum AI skill potential - weapon from MilitarySpecial (Barracks) loot table
3: Approx 80% of maximum AI skill potential - weapon from HeliCrash loot table

Note: This trigger will create 2 respawning AI units with weapons from DayZ's military loot table.


//----------------------------Add your custom spawn definitions below this line ----------------------------

"Cherno1",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno2",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno3",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno4",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno5",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno6",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno7",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno8",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"Cherno9",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
5,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf1",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf2",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf3",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf4",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf5",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf6",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf7",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf8",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"nwaf9",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"test1",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"test2",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

"test3",//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
3,//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
2,//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn.
] call DZAI_spawn;

I have many spawn, but no one at the right coordinates :(
Maybe anyone will see my mistake!

Good night! :)
How far away from the intended spawn point do the AI appear? A few meters away, or in another part of the map? To avoid spawning AI on top of buildings or other objects, DZAI may spawn AI about 5-10 meters away from the spawn point.

Other things that may cause AI to wander away from their spawn location are loot piles (they will wander up to 100m away to look for a loot pile) or if they spot enemies (zombies or players).
All points are on the ground.

I just want bots in cherno and NWAF and i have them at berezino kamenka pavlovo stary...
There is 5 points in nwaf but not mine.

There is nothing in cherno. 2 points in elektro. 5-6 berezino and in the little town on the map
Try this in your cust_markers_chernarus.sqf - after each one of your markers, add something like this at the end (see the last line):

_this = createMarker ["cherno1", [7026.22, 2859.83, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [20, 20];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;
_cherno1 = _this;

Do the same for every one of your custom markers (_cherno2 = _this; .... _cherno3 = _this; etc...). The exact name at the end does not matter, just make sure that it begins with a _ and doesn't match anything else in the file.

Also, I don't know if this makes a difference, but make sure the marker reference in cust_spawns_chernarus.sqf has the same capitalization in cust_markers_chernarus.sqf. So, if your marker is named "cherno1", you should only use "cherno1" in the spawns file, not "Cherno1". I know Arma2 is strange with case-sensitivity sometimes.