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  1. B

    CreateVehicle Restriction #48 problem

    #49 5 "Parachute" !="ParachuteWest" !"SmokeShellRed" !"SmokeShellGreen" Change the 5 to a 1, like this: #49 1 "Parachute" !="ParachuteWest" !"SmokeShellRed" !"SmokeShellGreen"
  2. B

    CreateVehicle Restriction #48 problem

    If you're getting kicked for BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #48 then BattlEye still thinks line 49 of the createvehicle.txt file tells it to kick you. Something didn't get saved/reset/etc.
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    Server-Side Anti-Hacks [Need help] Check that^ It'll give you a starting point. Typically you add the script to the dayz_server.pbo and when it detects a hack write a special line to the logs. Then use PyBEScanner or Gotcha to ban them. The trick is...
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    CreateVehicle Restriction #48 problem

    Did you Reload Events after you changed line 49? I believe that's a 5 by default. Edit: Or restart the server.
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    the Map and GPS

    They are in the server's Arma profile. It depends on which Private Hive package you're using but they're typically in a Users folder in the server config stuff. Usually named "Server.ArmA2OAProfile"
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    Players not updating in the hive

    A number of hacks currently available suppress the hive saves so Database reading admin tools like TSW and DayZ Mapper can't detect what the player is doing. Gcam and server side antihack scripts are currently the best way to detect those.
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    How to detect hackers in log?

    If it was that easy there would be a whole lot less working hacks. Check this thread for some good examples:
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    Silent Warrior Anti-hack/ Admin tool.

    I have been using this for almost a month and its worth 5 times what he is charging for it. It is by far the best DayZ Admin tool available and I cannot recommend it enough. Seriously, I can't sing enough praises for this tool.
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    SQL: Survivor History

    This is awesome. Gonna implement this on my servers.
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    AAN News Script

    Seeing the same thing. It is really obvious in the logs unless they are using a bypasser, which they all seem to be doing lately.
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    Brand New Hive - Experienced & Active Admins, Additional Vehicles, New Weapons -

    Hello! is a brand new hive. We have active admins who are experienced with server maintenance. Some of us do it for a living, so you can expect little to no lag, quick updates, and steady performance. A Ventrillo server for everyone to use (You can request your own private...