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  1. Maddin

    Make unit sit

    Hi, i want a unit to look like as he's sitting on a Chair. I tried "BasicDriver", but that didn't work unfortionatly. If i place this in the Init Expression of the Unit: this disableAI 'MOVE';this switchMove "amovpsitmstpsnonwnondnon_smoking"; He will sit down, but he sits on the Floor. I want...
  2. Maddin

    Set variable from player monitor.fsm

    Hi, i was trying to set a variable from the player monitor, but it wouldn't work and i have no clue, why :/ The code is correct (or?) -> but it just not get's executed: Basically what this does (should do) is to set the variable from out a player selection, making the player chose for...
  3. Maddin

    Have a Trader sell an Item in exchange for 2 items

    For Example: Trader Sells umm clothes. Clothes shall cost 1 Gold and 5 Silver. Possible: I'm pretty sure yes. How? Somewhere in the dayz_server.pbo at the [...]trader.sqf. Anybody got a Idea how to make it?
  4. Maddin

    Autopilot to Wenden Airfield

    Hello, Autopilot and Sauerland is something, that does not fit together. Where is the Airport ID defined, so i can set the Autopilot to the correct Airport on Sauerland?
  5. Maddin

    Scripts are not running correctly

    Hi, i made a Mission and tryed to load it into DayZ. So i call the script in the Init and in the script itself is this: if (isServer) then { _this = createCenter west; _center_0 = _this; [BUNCH OF CODE] }; The main script itself works fine, but no other scripts are called. For Example if...
  6. Maddin

    Players gets kicked from changing clothes (Sauerland)

    Hi, i do know fer sure, that there are a few dozen Posts, about a bug where players appear passed out with a broken leg, when they change clothes. They have to relogg in Order to move again and after they don't have the clothes on. Some might say "It's InfiSTAR" and yes, i got InfiSTAR. But...
  7. Maddin

    Use sideChat in script

    Hi, i'm trying to use the sideChat in script, so i done this: player sideChat "Test Message"; But that didn't work at all. Side Chat is enabled and people can use it. It works fine, when i try to use it via globalChat i.e. player globalChat "Test Message"; but i need the sideChat for that...
  8. Maddin

    Send Message to Admins only

    Hello, i'm trying to send a message to administrators or players with a specific name only. So for example you got this message, which is just the same as in Event Spawn Messages: [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Some Text to be displayed", "PLAIN",10] call RE; But that Text will be displayed to every...