Set variable from player monitor.fsm


Well-Known Member

i was trying to set a variable from the player monitor, but it wouldn't work and i have no clue, why :/ The code is correct (or?) -> but it just not get's executed:

if (_guiSelection == 0) then {

player_updateGui = [] spawn {
    while {true} do {
        //private ["_display","_ctrlBloodOuter","_ctrlBlood","_ctrlBleed","_bloodVal","_ctrlFood","_ctrlThirst","_thirstVal","_foodVal","_ctrlTemp","_ctrlFoodBorder","_ctrlThirstBorder","_ctrlTempBorder","_tempVal","_array","_ctrlEar","_ctrlEye","_ctrlFracture","_visual","_audible","_uiNumber","_bloodText","_blood","_thirstLvl","_foodLvl","_tempImg","_bloodLvl","_tempLvl","_thirst","_food","_temp"];
private ["_array","_bloodText","_tempImg","_uiNumber","_blood","_foodLvl","_thirstLvl","_audible","_visual","_ctrlBase","_ctrlBase2","_ctrlBase3","_ctrlBase4","_ctrlBase5","_ctrlBase6"];

_foodVal = 1 - (dayz_hunger / SleepFood);
_thirstVal = 1 - (dayz_thirst / SleepWater);
_tempVal = 1 - ((dayz_temperatur - dayz_temperaturmin)/(dayz_temperaturmax - dayz_temperaturmin));    // Normalise to [0,1]

if (uiNamespace getVariable ['DZ_displayUI', 0] == 1) exitWith {
    _array = [_foodVal,_thirstVal];

_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';

_ctrlBloodOuter = _display displayCtrl 1200;
_ctrlFoodBorder = _display displayCtrl 1201;
_ctrlThirstBorder = _display displayCtrl 1202;
_ctrlTempBorder = _display displayCtrl 1208;
//Border white
_ctrlBloodOuter ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
_ctrlFoodBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
_ctrlThirstBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
_ctrlTempBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];

_ctrlBlood = _display displayCtrl 1300;
_ctrlBleed = _display displayCtrl 1303;
_bloodVal = r_player_blood / r_player_bloodTotal;
_ctrlFood = _display displayCtrl 1301;
_ctrlThirst = _display displayCtrl 1302;
_ctrlTemp = _display displayCtrl 1306;
_ctrlEar = _display displayCtrl 1304;
_ctrlEye = _display displayCtrl 1305;
_ctrlFracture = _display displayCtrl 1203;

_ctrlBase = _display displayCtrl 1901;
_ctrlBase2 = _display displayCtrl 1900;
_ctrlBase3 = _display displayCtrl 1902;
_ctrlBase4 = _display displayCtrl 1908;
_ctrlBase5 = _display displayCtrl 1205;
_ctrlBase6 = _display displayCtrl 1206;

_ctrlBase ctrlSetText "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
_ctrlBase2 ctrlSetText "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
_ctrlBase3 ctrlSetText "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
_ctrlBase4 ctrlSetText "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
_ctrlBase5 ctrlSetText "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
_ctrlBase6 ctrlSetText "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";

if (_bloodVal > 0.5) then { GREEN TO YELLOW } else { YELLOW TO RED};
Same with Food and Thirst
_ctrlTemp ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_tempVal))), (Dayz_GUI_G * _tempVal), _tempVal, 1];    // Color ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot) // << Already Done :)

_ctrlBlood ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_bloodVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _bloodVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _bloodVal), 1];
_ctrlFood ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_foodVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _foodVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _foodVal), 1];
_ctrlThirst ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_thirstVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _thirstVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _thirstVal), 1];

/* //Debugging Stuff would be usefull
diag_log format["DEBUG: bloodlvl: %1 r_player_blood: %2 bloodval: %3",_bloodLvl, r_player_blood, _bloodVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: thirstlvl: %1 dayz_thirst: %2 thirstval: %3",_thirstLvl, dayz_thirst, _thirstVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: foodlvl: %1 dayz_hunger: %2 foodval: %3",_foodLvl, dayz_hunger, _foodVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: templvl: %1 dayz_temperatur: %2 tempval: %3",_tempLvl, dayz_temperatur, _tempVal];

_blood = "";
_thirst = "";
_food = "";
_temp = "";
_tempImg = 0;
_bloodLvl = round((r_player_blood / 2) / 1000);
_thirstLvl = round(_thirstVal / 0.25);
_foodLvl = round(_foodVal / 0.25);
_tempLvl = round(dayz_temperatur);

//    Blood Regen & BloodLoss:
switch true do {
    case (r_player_bloodpersec <= -50): { _uiNumber = -3 };                                        // -3
    case ((r_player_bloodpersec <= -25) and (r_player_bloodpersec > -50)): { _uiNumber = -2 };    // -2
    case ((r_player_bloodpersec < 0) and (r_player_bloodpersec > -25)): { _uiNumber = -1 };        // -1
    case (r_player_bloodpersec == 0): { _uiNumber = 0 };                                        //  0
    case ((r_player_bloodpersec > 0) and (r_player_bloodpersec < 25)): { _uiNumber = 1 };        //  1
    case ((r_player_bloodpersec >= 25) and (r_player_bloodpersec < 50)): { _uiNumber = 2 };        //  2
    case (r_player_bloodpersec >= 50): { _uiNumber = 3 };                                        //  3
    default { _uiNumber = 0 };

_bloodText = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_border";

if (r_player_infected) then {
    switch true do {
        case (_uiNumber < 0): { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_down" + str(_uiNumber * -1) + "_sick_ca.paa" };
        case (_uiNumber > 0): { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_up" + str(_uiNumber) + "_sick_ca.paa" };
        default { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_sick_ca.paa" };
} else {
    //if (r_player_Sepsis select 0) then {
    //    _bloodText = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_border_sick_ca.paa"
    //} else {
        switch true do {
            case (_uiNumber < 0): { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_down" + str(_uiNumber * -1) + "_ca.paa" };
            case (_uiNumber > 0): { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_up" + str(_uiNumber) + "_ca.paa" };
            default { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_ca.paa" };

_ctrlBloodOuter ctrlSetText _bloodText;

if (_bloodLvl <= 0) then {
    _blood = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_inside_1_ca.paa";
} else {
    _blood = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_inside_" + str(_bloodLvl) + "_ca.paa";

if (_thirstLvl < 0) then { _thirstLvl = 0 };
_thirst = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_thirst_inside_" + str(_thirstLvl) + "_ca.paa";

if (_foodLvl < 0) then { _foodLvl = 0 };
_food = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_food_inside_" + str(_foodLvl) + "_ca.paa";

switch true do {
    case (_tempLvl >= 36): { _tempImg = 4 };
    case (_tempLvl > 33 and _tempLvl < 36): { _tempImg = 3 };
    case (_tempLvl >= 30 and _tempLvl <= 33): { _tempImg = 2 };
    case (_tempLvl > 28 and _tempLvl < 30): { _tempImg = 1 };
    default { _tempImg = 0 };

_temp = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_temp_" + str(_tempImg) + "_ca.paa";

_ctrlBlood ctrlSetText _blood;
_ctrlThirst ctrlSetText _thirst;
_ctrlFood ctrlSetText _food;
_ctrlTemp ctrlSetText _temp;

// Visual:
_visual = (dayz_disVisual / 185) min 1;
if (_visual < 0.2) then {_visual = 0.2;};
_ctrlEye  ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, _visual];

// Audible
_audible = (dayz_disAudial / 40) min 1;
if (_audible < 0.2) then {_audible = 0.2;};
_ctrlEar ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, _audible];

// Fracture/Broken Legs
if (!(canStand player) and !(ctrlShown _ctrlFracture)) then {
    r_fracture_legs = true;
    _ctrlFracture ctrlShow true;

//    Flashing
if (_bloodVal < 0.2) then { _ctrlBlood call player_guiControlFlash; };
if (_thirstVal < 0.2) then { _ctrlThirst call player_guiControlFlash; };
if (_foodVal < 0.2) then { _ctrlFood call player_guiControlFlash; };
if (_tempVal > 0.8) then { _ctrlTemp call player_guiControlFlash; } else { _ctrlTemp ctrlShow true; };
if (r_player_injured) then { _ctrlBleed call player_guiControlFlash; };

_array = [_foodVal,_thirstVal];


Basically what this does (should do) is to set the variable from out a player selection, making the player chose for himself, if he wants to have the arma2 Icons or the DayZ Icons.
Aehm, which variable? _guiSelection?

you set this variable in the same file/function?
_guiSelection is a private variable, and is only avaible in the function itself, where it is defined.

Maybe you need a global variable without the "_" at the beginning
Aehm, which variable? _guiSelection?

you set this variable in the same file/function?
_guiSelection is a private variable, and is only avaible in the function itself, where it is defined.

Maybe you need a global variable without the "_" at the beginning

_guiSelection is used inside the player_monitor.fsm only. The Variable i was wanting to set is "player_updateGui" -> Which updates the Gui obviously. It's a Global Variable and pre-defined in arma2.

If i call the Variable from my compiles.sqf file like this: ->

player_updateGui = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_updateGui.sqf";

It's fine and working cool. But it's not working, if i comment it out from the compiles.sqf and put it in the Player Monitor.
"player_updateGui" is a defined global function, not only a variable and it's defined in the dayz_code/init/compiles.sqf.
so you want to use your own function, and compile it in the mission?
your paths to the files are correct, you get an errormessage in your rpt log?
"player_updateGui" is a defined global function, not only a variable and it's defined in the dayz_code/init/compiles.sqf.
so you want to use your own function, and compile it in the mission?
your paths to the files are correct, you get an errormessage in your rpt log?

I'm using epoch and "player_updateGui" is not set on there. If i set it in my compiles.sqf it's all fine. But now i do not want to set it in the compiles.sqf i want to set and compile it inside the player_monitor.fsm.

So basically yes, i want to use my own function and compile it in the mission. -> No i do not get any errors.
i don't know what you mean with "player_monitor.fsm", if i want to compile a function from the mission i write it the dayz_private_1.epoch.chernarus.pbo -- > dayz_code/compiles.sqf

dayz_code.pbo --> init/compiles.sqf. there is "player_updateGui" defined for me i run dayz-epoch
Sorry. The player_monitor.fsm is not part of Epoch Server it's a custom addition i made to the Server to have my own Selection Menu's and all sorts. Originally it's part of the Epoch Mod itself. Also a Custom Loading Text -> You can find it in @Epoch, -> Dayz_code.pbo -> System (Can be opened with FSM Editor)

Hmm, maybe it's a problem of location, dayz_code is a folder that has to be on client and server side, if you edit the player_monitor.fsm on the server, your features maybe are not available for the player.

Maybe you have to share your fsm and gui function per mission, to all clients.
Hmm, maybe it's a problem of location, dayz_code is a folder that has to be on client and server side, if you edit the player_monitor.fsm on the server, your features maybe are not available for the player.

Maybe you have to share your fsm and gui function per mission, to all clients.

Doing that already. ^^ That's what confuses me. It works, if i do it without the player_monitor.fsm, but it won't work if i do it with the player_monitor.fsm.

Might this be wrong? ->
player_updateGui =[] spawn {
i don't know if it has to be a "spawn", this opens a new thread that runs besides all other stuff.
maybe it has to be a "call"

i changed my danger.fsm for my AI, i could set it in the settings of the config.cpp in the dayz_code.pbo serverside to run it, but the fsm has to be on client side to work, so i share it with my mission file.

maybe you have the same problem.