Search results

  1. lport3

    Combat Check BEFORE humanity skin change

    If (nead to change skin) then {privare [_combattimeout, dayz_combat]; while {dayz_combat} do { _combattimeout = player getVariable["combattimeout",0]; if (_combattimeout > 0) then {dayz_combat = true;} else {dayz_combat = false;}; sleep 0.5; }; /////////////////////// now...
  2. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    You did not declare a variable "_ailoadout" in add_unit_server.sqf And yet, you need to make more use of debug messages. You can use "_aiunit selectWeapon "Winchester1866"" then they will not change during the fight. More useful if the weapon is not taken in hand at the loaded bots. Sorry for...
  3. lport3

    Show your code.

    Show your code.
  4. lport3

    I need more information from you that would answer.

    I need more information from you that would answer.
  5. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    Right, my fault. never use it. But 2 slots multiplied 8 times. And there seems to be an array within an array Loadout: [["ItemGPS","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","PK","RPG7V","ItemFlashlight"] ,["100Rnd_762x54_PK","100Rnd_762x54_PK","100Rnd_762x54_PK","PG7V","PG7V","PG7V"]]...
  6. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    "PG7V","PG7V","PG7V" look closely
  7. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    I have not seen the information here, so I share how to add backpacks. Change the code for your needs. private["_rndBp","_aiBpAdd"]; _aiunit addBackpack "DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1"; for [{ b=1 },{ b < 10 },{ b = b + 1; }] do {...
  8. lport3

    Prohibition for bandits to change skin

    #Copy file "compiles.sqf" from @dayz/addons/dayz_code\init\ to your mpmission. #Copy file "player_wearClothes.sqf" from @dayz/addons/dayz_code\actions\ to your mpmission. #Change in file "compiles.sqf" line player_wearClothes = ... to player_wearClothes = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...
  9. lport3

    my.ini - whats yours look like?

    These settings are of course very important. It was the case, I have set up their own. [client] no-beep port=3306 [mysql] default-character-set=utf8 # server_type=3 [mysqld] port=3306 # basedir="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\" # datadir="C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server...
  10. lport3

    Creating a spawn intro cut-scene?

    camera_init.sqf waitUntil {!isNil ("dayzLoginRecord")}; //intro move showCinemaBorder true; camUseNVG false; _camera = "camera" camCreate [(position player select 0)-100*sin (round(random 359)), (position player select 1)-100*cos (round(random 359)),(position player select 2)+60]; _camera...
  11. lport3

    DayZ DinnerBell

    Little mod for 2 barracs nwaero class Sensors { items=2; class Item0 { position[]={4660.1694,342.27267,9596.377}; a=5; b=12; angle=96; rectangular=1; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1...
  12. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    Look at this code spawn. It has one additional parameter 0 - for the urban bots with ordinary weapons 1 - for the military bots with hi weapons _aispawn = [[11900,9100,0],100,5,2,0] execVM "troops\add_unit_server.sqf";//Berezino center _aispawn = [[12200,9500,0],100,5,2,0] execVM...
  13. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    that is my spawn points _aispawn = [[11900,9100,0],100,5,2,0] execVM "troops\add_unit_server.sqf";//Berezino center _aispawn = [[12200,9500,0],100,5,2,1] execVM "troops\add_unit_server.sqf";//Berezino nord _aispawn = [[10500,2300,0],100,5,2,0] execVM...
  14. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    Thanks to better axeman. I just modified the code. By the way I have a small problem - Electro spawn only - 2 boat in the squad. So use like this - _aispawn = [[10446.5,2246.96,0], 400,10,2,0] execVM "troops \ add_unit_server.sqf" ;/ / Electrozavodsk_1 _aispawn = [[10496.5,2296.96,0]...
  15. lport3

    dayZ NPC (AI) Units / Troops | Add to Server.

    This is my little modification. There are two types of armament troops. init spawn groups _aispawn = [[6689.49,2623.59,0],500,10,4,0] execVM "troops\add_unit_server.sqf";//Chernogorsk _aispawn = [[4598.66,10197.7,0],600,10,6,1] execVM "troops\add_unit_server.sqf";//NW Airfield...
  16. lport3

    Arma crash after shot

    fixit. problem with 102111 betapatch
  17. lport3

    Arma crash after shot

    After the first shot the process fails. Perhaps what is lacking in the database table. Please help solve the problem. ps. if a shot Z all is ok, if shot to air arma craching instantly.. ((
  18. lport3

    Arma crash after shot

    After the first shot the process fails. Perhaps what is lacking in the database table. Please help solve the problem. ps if a shot Z all is ok, if shot to air arma craching instantly.. ((
  19. lport3

    Приве. Не подскажешь по одному вопросу.?

    Приве. Не подскажешь по одному вопросу.?
  20. lport3

    Working House Lighting

    How is it? You got to find a way to find or add objects lightswitch or streedlamp ?