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  1. S

    Making AI bleed when shot

    Okay, so I found out that these lines spawn the bleeding particle effect... I think. (fn_damagehandler.sqf) if(!_isHit) then { //Create Wound _unit setVariable["hit_"+_wound,true,true]; PVDZ_hlt_Bleed = [_unit,_wound,_damage]; publicVariable...
  2. S

    Making AI bleed when shot

    How can I make the AI bleed when they get shot? I would probably have to edit the "fn_damageHandlerAI2.sqf" because that seems to be where the AI's health is, but I haven't a clue how dayz does bleeding.
  3. S

    Restoring free for all functionality

    I would like to know how to do this as well. I know it was removed because it caused problems with other AI addons, but im not using another ai addon...
  4. S

    AI not shooting zombies?

    Oh... I didnt see that part.
  5. S

    Spawn Chance?

    I also tried setting the DZAI_maxSpawnTime to 15000 and I we spawned in at the international airfield and within seconds, we got shot in the face.
  6. S

    Spawn Chance?

    Dayz Epoch Beta 125548 and I posted this in the DZAI forums, so im using DZAI.
  7. S

    Spawn Chance?

    I run a private server for me and my friend (2 people) and its really annoying being shot at by 4 bandits everytime we enter anything with loot. I tried lowering the settings in the spawn configs, but that only made less AI spawn. Can I make it a chance out of 100 for an AI group to spawn? For...
  8. S

    AI not shooting zombies?

    I enabled weapon noise and zombie enemies in the DZAI config, but the AIs completely ignore the zombies. I havent seen one AI even fire a shot at a zombie.