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  1. W

    Diary Subjects, Map Markers and View Distance?

    Hey Deathcall. I haven't taken the time to read this thread recently, although I have seen it in the past. I have the briefing running fine on all my servers. and previous. Here are the instructions. 1. Create a briefing init file,name is accordingly. //this will intialize the...
  2. W

    Add Antibiotics to a Medbox?

    hmmm, ya damn. maybe ReammoBox?
  3. W

    Safe Protected Domes / Bases -- How to control elevation of dome?

    When using the 2d editor when you create a trigger it is set at 0 degrees, the angle is what adjusts it's rotation depending how you want it positioned. This obviously has not effect if your trigger is a circle, but if it's an oval or rectangle you can have a more precise placement.
  4. W

    Add Antibiotics to a Medbox?

    You could probably use something server side like this, Following those instuctions you could probably try if (_object isKindOf "MedBox0") then { _object addMagazineCargoGlobal "ItemAntibiotic"...
  5. W

    Custom Buildings: Database vs. PBO

    Either way works fine, the benefit of using the database is to reduce the size of your mission files. To be honest I have buildings loading in using both methods. If you have a bunch of buildings loading through the databse it can take a bit longer for the server to load on fisrt start because...
  6. W

    Safe Protected Domes / Bases -- How to control elevation of dome?

    justchill, I see that gives you instructions on how to add the triggers by editing the mission.sqm directly. This is by far the worst way of adding anything to the mission file. First because if you make a typo and can't find it you are screwed. Second it is complicated and stupid. The...
  7. W

    Safe Protected Domes / Bases -- How to control elevation of dome?

    What you want is the trigger to activate at or between a specific altitude correct? There are a few ways of doing this, the best I have found is to set a trigger that activates warning players that are flying into the trigger 50m or higher that they are in restricted airspace, I simply warn...
  8. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    Cool, sounds good.
  9. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    I havn't tried it yet, but put it in the jump.sqf like below. It should work. player action [ "eject", vehicle player]; sleep 1; player removeWeapon "ParachuteWest"; sleep 0.1; player spawn bis_fnc_halo; player setvelocity [0,120*0.8,0]; player setdir 0; //Add here.... [] execVM...
  10. W

    How to add UID for triggers ?

    From the database? I don't know, but what you really want is a UIDarray. This will store the id's you want to have access and can be used where ever you need a uid list create a new .sqf and name it admins.sqf or whatever you want. if (isServer) exitWith {}; // only run this on client side...
  11. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    You should be able to have it run whith the jump init, I havn't checked out the from vehicle halo jump yet. I will have a quick look and see. It should be a matter of placing" [] execVM "scripts\altimeter.sqf"; " when the jump is called.
  12. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    Ya I have noticed the FPS drop also, I don't think the debug fps variable is entirely accurate, but then again I don't know all that much as it is. Still a learning process for me.
  13. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    I noticed the other day if I hold the insert key and bring up the debug monitor, as long as the key is pressed it updates in real time. If you use something like while {true} do { hintSilent parseText format [" your code",]; }; on the always on version of the debug monitor it should update all...
  14. W

    Adding Banned Vehicles without rMod installed

    The easiest thing is rmod, The only other way to do it is like jason and neb said. a. Edit your @dayz addon and attempt to get people to download it/ create another addon. b. use rmod that already has a community, a server key, and support for the addon along with most the cool weapons and...
  15. W

    2D and 3D editor Question

    If you already have your buildings in the database, you should just be able to add more buildings. I guess it really depends on how the server is hosted. I use DayZ Control Center and we have a tool that allows us to simply import our mission.sqf generated by the 3D editor right through the web...
  16. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    OK So I got the HALO spawn working on 1.7.7. It seems that the built in HALO function is disabled or something. I changed "dayz_Totalzedscheck" to "dayz_animalCheck" as dunx recommended. I also used option 2 from the link above and it is working as it should.....
  17. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    Na. I am running this on my test server. Battleye is active but I removed all the filters untill I have eveything running then I will modify the filters as needed. I have been using the internal halo files, gonna try option 2 and use the one modded by the community. I'll let you know ho wit goes.
  18. W

    NEW 1.7.7 ITEMS ID's

    So here is a list of the new food and trash items. Also the baseball bat. // Trash "FoodCanUnlabeledEmpty",, "FoodCanRusUnlabeledEmpty", "FoodCanRusPorkEmpty", "FoodCanRusPeasEmpty", "FoodCanRusMilkEmpty", "FoodCanRusCornEmpty", "FoodCanRusStewEmpty", "ItemCards", "ItemNails" //Food...
  19. W

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    Ya so I have updated to 1.7.7 and the Halo spawn is not working. I used version 1 and changed dayz_Totalzedscheck to dayz_animalCheck like dunx suggested. made all the appropriate changes and no dice.... Will keep at it and updated this tread as needed.
  20. W

    Item Spawning 1.7.7

    The change log indicates that they "adjusted and rebalanced" the loot tables. I think they messed up....