Add Antibiotics to a Medbox?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone direct me to where I can edit Medbox0? I would like to add antibiotics, if possible.
This doesn't look like what I'm after. I don't want to spawn a MedBox in a static location. I want to edit the existing MedBox that randomly spawns in hospitals.

But this does give me an idea what I'm looking for. I couldn't find MedBox0 under loot or buildings.

I'm still learning this stuff. Please forgive me if I don't express what I'm looking for very well.

EDIT: Actually, I'm seeing MedBox0 as an "Object", not a Vehicle, that can spawn in "Hospital"...
Can't be I don't think.

Contents of a med box are defined through cfg vehicles in the dayz code.
Can't be I don't think.

Contents of a med box are defined through cfg vehicles in the dayz code.

That's too bad...
No matter. I have them spawning other ways. Just thought it would be another neat way to get more into circulation.
You could probably use something server side like this,

Following those instuctions you could probably try

if (_object isKindOf "MedBox0") then {
_object addMagazineCargoGlobal "ItemAntibiotic";
I have not tested this but it should work, when the server spawns the medbox it should add the antibiotic.
Try it and see what happens.

I tried this, didn't work. :(
Even tried using addMagazine instead of addMagazineCargoGlobal, no dice.
Seems like a good idea. Just a matter of finding the right commands?
You could use the "cardboardbox" object and exec a script to addglobalcargo ofwhatever you want, I used the basics of it when coming up with new ideas for Aftermath, but the trigger is important bit. You could do it by player nearObject and set a variable for "boxfilled" after the first execution so it didn't fill repeatedly.