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  1. M

    Updated Overwatch Install howto

    Does anyone have an updated instructions on installing Overwatch? I looked on YouTube and saw one that was fairly old... this startup instructions still show pre-steam update I have it installed and my startup.bat looks like this: start arma2oaserver.exe...
  2. M

    DayZ handcuff player help

    I was hoping that this change would stop players from ending up restrained on the ground floor if being restrained from a rooftop. is there anything that would fix this?
  3. M

    DayZ handcuff player help

    I cannot get the _side option to work. I have: _side = side _cursorTarget == west; //so only Players can be detained _hasArrestItems = "PartGeneric" in magazines player; // ARREST SCRIPT REQ in my fn_selfActions.sqf on line 15 and...
  4. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I have skins in my class files but they don't load on zombies. The only thing that works out of the class files is the pistol. I will add the if(player isKindof) codeblock Thanks for the tip.
  5. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I updated my Antihack to 3.17 and now i get this. Does anyone have any ideas? Player (xxxxxxxxx) | S.P.A.W.N.E.D: ItemMap @153092 (near: []) (BANNED) |DayZ Instance: 13|
  6. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    no idea... I tried to cobble something togeather... I pulled it from the Epoch Forums. If you want to edit the code, what you're looking for is located in this file: _infected = 0; if (r_player_infected) then { _infected = 1; }; You could just...
  7. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I didn't see anything in this thread about stopping players that re-spawn as a Zombie from selecting a loadout. Its pretty strange seeing a Zombie that can run very fast with a weapon. newspawn_execute.sqf private ["_infected"]; _infected=0; sleep 5; waitUntil {!dialog}...
  8. M

    Armored SUV Gun animations

    I changed: _closeCover = _x addaction ["Close Cover","addons\suvpmc_addAction.sqf",[[],suvpmc_closecover],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""suvpmc_cover""] != ""1"""]; //add action to close cover, details to come _openCover = _x addaction...
  9. M

    Armored SUV Gun animations

    I am trying to take what Kind-Sir did with the MV22 Ramp animations and apply it to the Armored SUV. Here is what I have: suvpmc_addAction.sqf _array = _this select 3; _param = _array select 0; _code = _array select 1; _spawn = _param spawn _code; suvpmc_functions.sqf: suvpmc_closecover =...
  10. M

    [Release] Carepackage Cars, delivered by parachute from a plane

    Does anyone have a tweaked Server_monitor.sqf nul = [ 6, //IGNORE THIS 3, //IGNORE THIS (3*60), //Fixed-Time (in seconds) between each start of a new Car drop flyover (0*60), //Random time between each...
  11. M

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    Its the Epoch anti-teleport that was getting me.
  12. M

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    I am trying to implement this on my Dayz Epoch server and I am having some issues with the spawn. It sort of works but not quite. I spawn in about 2 inches off the ground with no option to pull the cord. I don't die or anything it just sits there in the free fall position until a zombie kills me.
  13. M

    AI Air Patrols

    I figured out how to remove all weapons and items from the chopper. ClearWeaponcargo PatrolChopper1; ClearMagazineCargo PatrolChopper1;
  14. M

    AI Air Patrols

    Ok, I finally was able to get one chopper to spawn by calling the script from the mission init.sqf like so: if ((!isServer) && (isNull player)) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {time > 3}; }; if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { waitUntil {player == player}; waitUntil...
  15. M

    AI Air Patrols

    I don't understand why it spawns 3 choppers and 3 crews? they are flying right behind each other and they try to land on top of each other.
  16. M

    Vehicle repair script

    Thanks for the reply... I had it working but ever since the Dayz Epoch update the vehicle chat stopped working.
  17. M

    Vehicle repair script

    This script works for me, but the text doesn't show in game I would like to see the vehicle chat. Does anyone have any ideas as to why i cant see the vehicle chat?
  18. M

    automatic Aircraft Carrier

    did you add the barrels? what is the class name?
  19. M

    DayZ Admin tools

    I found this code and it works very well for spawning custom ammo boxes. modify the contents to your needs... The box will spawn at your location and despawn in 90 seconds. USBasicWeaponsBox.sqf _classname = "USBasicWeaponsBox"; _mypos = getposATL player; _dir = getdir player; _mypos =...
  20. M

    DayZ Admin tools

    Hold ALT while left clicking the map. or is it shift? i forget. lol