Search results

  1. Nelumbo

    Instance_deployable limit?

    Hello I run a Utes server and have around 460 entries in my instance_deployable table. At the time I got to around 400 entries I had noticed that some other previous entries started to despawn, or not spawn at all at server start. Has anybody had an issue like this or is aware of any limits in...
  2. Nelumbo

    Randomized Weapon Caches

    Hello, I run a utes PVP server and I am trying to implement a script which would allow for me to have my gear crates alternate their gear loadouts every restart. I have seen this done before, and have even tried searching the internet myself, but to no avail. I would like to create predefined...
  3. Nelumbo

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    I love your script, I have it on both of my servers! Although I can't get either instance working. I have done everything correctly, and my RPT file tells me that loot has spawned, but it is nowhere to be found at the heli. I have teleported to the specific coords given to me through the...
  4. Nelumbo

    Double spawning with custom spawn points

    Hello, I am currently trying to add custom player spawn to my Utes server. So far I have edited the mission file. I have all 100 slots set for my spawn points, and I have the markers changed. My major issue so far has been playing around with playersetup.sqf. Every time someone dies, they...
  5. Nelumbo

    Need help with death messages

    Why dont you, I am still unable to get them to work..
  6. Nelumbo

    Need help with death messages

    I have tried getting death messages working on my utes and thirsk server, and I keep getting the same errors in my RPT file: 19:40:22 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found 19:40:23 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf...
  7. Nelumbo

    Death messages

    Does anyone have any idea of what would cause the files to become missing? They aren't missing. They are physically there but aren't being initiated. I think it has something to do with the way the fnc_plyrhit file is added and initiated.
  8. Nelumbo

    Death messages

    I verified the missing files - which were there. I had not edited them. As far as typos go... I found them in the file you must download. Line 1 - private ["_victim", "_attacker","_weapon","_distance","_victimPlayerID","_attakerPlayerID"] The last string I edited to _attackeerPlayerID Line...
  9. Nelumbo

    Death messages

    Alright - I added it and changed some spelling errors I found. I looked in my RPT file and this is what I get when a player joins. 19:40:14 NAT Negotiation completed 19:40:15 Server error: Player without identity Sydney (id 1160773432) 19:40:18 Unrecognized CfgNonAIVehicles simulation thing in...
  10. Nelumbo

    Death messages

    Hello - I have a utes server on They do not have a live map, so I am constantly having to rely on logs to ban hackers, and there isnt much I can do about spawn campers. I am trying to find a WORKING death messages script, or some kind of admin tool that will tell me who killed who in...
  11. Nelumbo

    Re-enabling 3rd Person

    Hey, I am trying to re-enable 3rd person on my cell server. I tried adding 3rdPersonView=1; to my description.ext file and it has not worked. Is there any other way I would be able to enable it?
  12. Nelumbo

    Adding More Crash Sites

    Hey guys I have been trying to add more heli crash spawns on my utes server, and I have been following all the tutorials - yet I get the server to hang on loading screens and ultimately saying something went wrong. I have read posts about rebuilding the database, but haven't been able to find...