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  1. T

    Help removing 'player killed player' messages

    I need help removing the messages on the server when a player has killed another play.. (player one was killed by player two) .. I removed the message that says (player one killed player two with akm from distance xxxxx) Now i need help removing the other player death message. Thanks for any...
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    Debug fade away

    I'm having some problems with the debug monitor i use. The problem is the debug is triggered using the insert key (which is fine) but the debug monitor fade's away and disappears after about 20 seconds. How can i make it so that the debug monitor never fade's away or fade's away after 2 hours or...
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    Possible to get AI to use pistols?

    I know that in the config, you can set the "SAR_---_pistol_list" but it says that it's bugged when they switch to sidearms. That's not what i'm trying to do. My question is it possible to have the AI spawn with a pistol in the "SAR_rifleman_weapon_list" for example, instead of the usual...
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    Need help finding a script.

    I used to have a script on my server that would allow players to ride on the back (sideways) of bicycles. Players also had the option to ride on the back of small cars like Skodas and GAZ vehicles. I lost the script and i couldn't remember the name. It's been bugging me since i can't find it...
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    Help stopping server remove weapons

    I've been trying to also figure this out for awhile i've been trying to stop the server from deleting weapons/items. What do you need to edit to stop the weapons from being deleted? I know that the weapons can be added in to the server because i can have the weapons added to the server via...
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    Adding banned vehicles and weapons to Chernarus?

    How would you add the SMAW launcher and ammunition to helicopter crash sites? Also how would you add Vodnik spawns to Chernarus and un-ban them from the server? Edit:I know how to add the spawns to the map, i'm just not sure how to let the server allow them.
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    Group Size Problems

    I've tried setting the max group size for survivors and bandits to 1 and 2 for the survivors. My problem is that i am seeing large groups of 4-5 survivors still. That is what my code looks like: // maximum number of groups / grid SAR_max_grps_bandits = 4; SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 0...
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    Help increasing server view distance?

    Is there a way to edit the server's view distance to increase it more? There isn't much use for players to use binoculars on my server because they can pretty much see until the view starts to get "foggy". It seems the view distance on my server is about 500 meters, it's quite annoying. Edit...
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    Help removing 'resource title logo not found'

    It's kind of hard for me to explain this but the easiest way is i had help installing some scripts into my mission, and after they were added to the mission i started to get "resource title logo not found". What script is this? or even better, how do i remove it?
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    [HELP]DayZ Chernarus unbanned Helicopters

    Does anyone know the unbanned helis for chernarus Is there a list i don't know about? So far i know the Huey,AH6x, MH6 littlebird, and the Mi17 are unbanned. Any others? Thanks for any feedback
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    Adding barracks/castles

    I am not sure if this is the correct spot to post, so i am very sorry if i do post this in the wrong area. In the arma2 3d editor, i haven't been able to find the Airfield Barracks building, and any of the castle part builds (walls, towers..etc) Are these in the default editor or is there...
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    AdminTools Help

    I'm getting the error: script admintools\hotkey.sqf not found when i log in to the server as the admin, i've input the correct UID, but i'm not sure what i did wrong in the init.sqf Here is my mission
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    R3F logistics help

    I have not received any play kick errors yet, before i was getting stuck at script restriction 253 but i fixed that, now i just get stuck here: That is what i see when my player loads into the game. I can't move, can't turn, can't do anything...
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    Check vehicle space in-game/vehicle repair percentage

    Is there any scripts to allow you to check the vehicles inventory ie. how much space it has left ? also a script that shows the percentage of the vehicles parts? Not sure if this is possible but any help would be appreciated