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  1. K

    Overpoch battleye issue

    I am getting a battleye error PublicVariable Value Restriction #291 I have edited the instance_11_Chernarus\Battleye\ publicvariableval.txt and changed line 291, from 5 to 1 (yes i checked to make sure it was right line) But it has not seemed to work, as anyone got any suggestions on how to...
  2. K

    Overpoch Map help

    Hey thank you, I realised that PBO was unpacked already by the server, I was used to unpack and repacking PBO's
  3. K

    Overpoch Map help

    So i have been doing a lot server editing for Dayz mod and some for overwatch. I have just launched a Dayz Overpoch server, My problem i don't know were to find the right mission PBO. I am with GamingDeluxe and when i go into the MP mission folder. There is like 20 folders now and don't which...
  4. K

    How would you port an arma 2 vehicle mod into dayz

    What a lovely answer, No need to be rude tbh. In all honestly, it is possible and i am working on script for it at the moment, it is a lot work, but like anything if you put the time in you will get the results. it might be a while coming, as i am still getting used how dayz code works. The...
  5. K

    Ground Fog - Guide

    I am rarely Pedantic, but this mod is technically not fog, it would be considered mist due the visibility. Fog would be much thicker and visibility would be much less.
  6. K

    Vehicle inventory and editing slots

    Thanks, the though that it was ARMA2 that defined the slots crossed my mind, I have seen a few servers saying they have increased slots but i have not seen much mention of it on here :(
  7. K

    Reality DayZ Inventory Manager (C#)

    Thank you for this great tool, Happy to Donate and help in anyway i can!
  8. K

    Vehicle inventory and editing slots

    I have been searching for last 24 hours to find if there is away way to do this, I have yet to find a post about it but i might just be missing it. I am trying edit the amount of slots a vehicle inventory has, Some i want to reduce and other's like Huey i want to add extra space. Is this...