Vehicle inventory and editing slots


New Member
I have been searching for last 24 hours to find if there is away way to do this, I have yet to find a post about it but i might just be missing it.

I am trying edit the amount of slots a vehicle inventory has, Some i want to reduce and other's like Huey i want to add extra space. Is this possible via Server side?
I think these are defined by Arma2 in the game itself. I've notice on wasteland vehicles also found in dayz have the same space.
Thanks, the though that it was ARMA2 that defined the slots crossed my mind, I have seen a few servers saying they have increased slots but i have not seen much mention of it on here :(
vehicle slots have been changed through the course of development in DayZ, so it must be possible....
vehicle slots have been changed through the course of development in DayZ, so it must be possible....
Or was it done through arma2 updates? I never read any of those patch notes, but I read just about all the dayz notes and never remember seeing that mentioned.
CFGVehicles.bpp in your DayZ code has a few. Ive never fiddled with it. But stuff like the Mi17 are in there. Stuff with the _DZ at the end only. I think it may pull the others from arma direct
For reference:

    class Mi17_DZ: Mi17_base 
        displayname = "Mi17_DZ";
        displaynameshort = "Mi17_DZ";
        scope = 2;
        side = 2;
        crew = "";
        typicalCargo[] = {};
        hiddenSelections[] = {};
        class TransportMagazines{};
        class TransportWeapons{};
        commanderCanSee = 2+16+32;
        gunnerCanSee = 2+16+32;
        driverCanSee = 2+16+32;
        transportMaxWeapons = 10;
        transportMaxMagazines = 50;
        transportmaxbackpacks = 10;
Running files server side and bypassing the dayz code in favor of them is pretty standard server modding, thats what you get when you change your "init" or "compiles"
Maybe try this in your database sql?
set all vehicles to have a maximum count of 255
update vehicle set limit_max = 255, limit_min=0;