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  1. J

    Missing and overlapping buildings

    I used DZC to launch and it works now. Seems that the mods and expansions are in the right order now as well. Didn't know that the order would actually have any influence on the ingame content - at least not to this extent. So, thanks a lot for the help, very appreciated :)
  2. J

    Missing and overlapping buildings

    Hey, thanks for the reply The files are in /arma combined operations/@DayZ_Sahrani. The Expansion "DayZ Sahrani" w/o underscore and @ only appears in the expansion list once I enable the @DayZ_Sahrani and reboot the game. If I disable it again, it's gone again. There is no "DayZ Sahrani"...
  3. J

    Missing and overlapping buildings

    Launching via desktop shortcut for the beta with -nosplash and -skipintro and this is how my Expansions look like when playing Sahrani: There are a bunch of caa1_*****.pbo files in my sahrani folder, but I assume they have to be there, because they make up about...
  4. J

    Missing and overlapping buildings

    Hey, I've noticed that some buildings are missing and others, like barracks, are overlapped with other buildings making almost all of them inaccessable. Here are a few screenshots: I've asked around on the server I was playing on and I'm not the only with this...