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  1. G

    Mod in Mission File

    Hey Guys, I ve a question.. I try to set up a Dayz ACRE - Server ... but everybody need to download the mods... So my question is.. can i put the pbos and the bisign keys into the Mission file?? Greetings Chris
  2. G

    Earthquake script

    Hi guys... Ive a little problem with a script... The earthquake Script (Code below) earth = { playsound "eq"; for "_i" from 0 to 140 do { _vx = vectorup _this select 0; _vy = vectorup _this select 1; _vz = vectorup _this select 2; _coef = 0.01 - (0.0001 * _i); _this setvectorup [...
  3. G

    [question] Heli-Lift script

    Hey Guys... I ve a question... Is it possible to add a IF-question, on a Helif-Lift / Cargo Drop script, that locked Vehicles cant be moved... if they are locked.. sth like i added in my tow script _ObjectName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Object) >> "displayName")...