Earthquake script


New Member
Hi guys...

Ive a little problem with a script... The earthquake Script (Code below)
earth = {
playsound "eq";
for "_i" from 0 to 140 do {
_vx = vectorup _this select 0;
_vy = vectorup _this select 1;
_vz = vectorup _this select 2;
_coef = 0.01 - (0.0001 * _i);
_this setvectorup [
_vx+(-_coef+random (2*_coef)),
_vy+(-_coef+random (2*_coef)),
_vz+(-_coef+random (2*_coef))
sleep (0.01 + random 0.01);
while {true} do {
player spawn earth;
sleep (180 + random 60);

The timer for the next quake, starts when a player connect... but it would be better if it startes when the server is online... (everbody get the quake on the same time)

Sorry for my bad english... but it is not my day

Greetings Gang