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  1. Q

    Vanishing Vehicles

    I had a V3S and loaded it with items, and when I ran into a building, and ran back out, the vehicle was gone. It was 100% all green. Disappeared into thin air. Rather annoying as in one day, we've lost 15-20 vehicles that we had parked in various locations.
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    Cust Inv sql Fails

    When trying to upgrade the database with the control panel, it fails. So I tried to run a sql query with the code required. Creates the cust_loadout fine and updated it with the addition sql supplied. But the cust_loadout_profile sql fails each time...
  3. Q

    BE Script Restriction #20

    #20 " = true; _countr = 0; if (_height < 100) then { _bolt = createVehicle ["WoodenArrowF", _endPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _bolt se" Anyone with any ideas on how to fix this? Line 21 is 5 CreateTarget
  4. Q

    BE Kicks

    I have a member that keeps getting kicked on Namalsk for: PublicVariable Value Restriction #91 "dayzDeath" = ["8051",0,<NULL-object>,"1234567","Player X"] Looking in the file, there are only 20 lines. So where the hell does 91 fit in. This Battleye stuff is garbage. There is no...
  5. Q

    I am trying to use this application, but it's not doing anything, and the help that comes with it is rather lacking for instructions. It's missing the fact that --mybans requires an argument for one. When I run it after fixing any issues it tells me, it doesn't appear to do anything, and my...
  6. Q

    Script Restriction #149

    #149 "iNamespace getVariable "I44_tankHud_Map"); I44_tankHud_drawIcons = { private ["_veh","_imgBackground","_imgTurret","_imgCom" Any ideas how to fix this?
  7. Q

    Battleye Files

    A request that I hope all map developers do is could you please sticky or pin a post in one of the sections with all your up to date Battleye files. Then people can provide fixes which can be added to a master download in the first post of that thread.
  8. Q

    Do away with the support area

    You may as well as do away with this area of this forum. Out of 15 posts, support appears to only been provide for 2 or 3 posts. If your not going to provide support for your maps, then don't bother creating a support section. People toss up a map and expect everyone to get it working...
  9. Q

    Script Restriction #246

    #246 " grpNull, grpNull, grpNull]; call ('\x\cba\addons\common\init_gauss.sqf' call SLX_XEH_COMPILE); call ('\x\cba\addons\common\init"
  10. Q

    Reality Updates

    I was wondering what your plans are for Reality. Noticed you removed Celle and Oring. Are you going to be removing all the outdated maps each time an update comes out? Even if Reality still works with the old map?
  11. Q

    Reality Help

    Attempting to set this up with Reality. The .sql is missing insert into world (world id = 11, world name = ?, max_x = ?, max_y = ?) I am going to try to guess at values using (11, I44, 25000, 25000) Hopefully this can be updated later.
  12. Q

    Script Restriction #21

    Got kicked for putting on Civilian4 Skin (No not Civilian foreskin) #21 "ral"]; if (_debug) then { _source = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal position player; _source setDropInterval 0.1; _source"
  13. Q

    Oring server crashing

    Created a Oring server with Reality, but the server constantly crashes. Seems to happen as soon as I spawn in. Getting error: Mods: @reality_15.oring Distribution: 0 Version 1.62.102111 Fault address: 0048CA03 01:000ABA03 C:\Hosting\QUACK\Dayz Oring\Expansion\beta\oring_15.exe file...
  14. Q

    BE Tutorial

    Anyone know where there's a how-to for Battleye on how to debug and fix issues. Having a hell of a time figuring it out. Right now I have createvehicle restriction #2 "MedBox0_DZN" for Namalsk. I tried adding !="MedBox0_DZN" but still kicks. Since !="MedBox0" was already in the line, I...
  15. Q

    Lingor Skaronator

    So I thought I would start up a server to see what the difference was between this and the other map, and everything is going fine so far. But when trying to spawn vehicles, nothing appears to happen. Here's the output: C:\Hosting\QUACK\Dayz Lingor Skar> --instance 2...
  16. Q

    BE Script Restriction #85

    #85 "_x; if ((_vehicle ammo _muzzle) > 0) then { _vehicle setWeaponReloadingTime [_gunner,_muzzle,1]; }; } forEach _muzzles;" Happens when using mounted gun on vehicle.
  17. Q

    BE kick script restriction #40

    This started after installing base build mod, but base build mod doesn't have this fix as an issue. Never had this on the old map. Seems the combination of the newest map and base build started this. #40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,[],20];" I tried adding ! "{_x...
  18. Q

    No items on respawn on Celle

    Don't know if it's map related or Reality, but after we die, on respawn we spawn in with no items.
  19. Q


    I like the ability you added to your control panel to remove anything related to an instance. Helps clean up a database for unused instances. Could you add the ability to remove anything related to a world id. We have tried many different worlds and stopped playing them. I have decided to...
  20. Q

    Reality Breaks Base Building Mod

    For those using the base building mod, it appears that Reality causes issues with the mod where the "Build Recipes" doesn't show in the menu, and the build preview function isn't working. Not a big deal since the mod still works other than the above 2 issues, but it is best to keep a print out...