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  1. berupp

    [Vehicles Table] Parts Column: 8 wheels on 4 wheel vehicle. Why?

    Still trying to figure this out. So if any of the dayz mod devs could answer this I'd be very happy ;)
  2. berupp

    [Vehicles Table] Parts Column: 8 wheels on 4 wheel vehicle. Why?

    Hi I am currently writing a WebUI that allows players that play on my server to see a list of their current and deceased survivors, leader boards and a list of all vehicles and their loot/missing parts (without their location of course) But I am having trouble understanding the string in the...
  3. berupp


    Just for anyone who will come across this and wants to know the loot mechanic in My above assumptions where correct. Setting dayz_lootSpawnBias to 100 will allow you to ignore this value for the loot spawn chance calculation, and focus on 'lootChance' for loot categories and building...
  4. berupp


    My theory ist that if you up it to 100 the _rnd expression will always be: _rnd = (random 1) / 1; Assuming that random 1 evaluates to a floating point between 0 and 1. I will basicall have 0.4 /1 = 0.4 or 0.93/1= 0.93. Now with that it seems to be way easier to adjust lootChance values in...
  5. berupp


    This value seems to be responsible for the horrible spawn in It is used in building_spawnLoot.sqf // bias for this building. The lower it is, the lower chance some of the lootpiles will spawn _bias = 50 max dayz_lootSpawnBias; _bias = 100 min _bias; _bias = (_bias + random(100-_bias))...
  6. berupp

    lootchance in CfgBuildingLoot.hpp vs CfgBuildingPos.hpp

    Hi, I am setting up a vanilla server with increased loot since the current loot tables are depressing. I managed to modify my mission PBO and overwrite all necessary files to have complete access to the loot table by modifying CfgBuildingLoot.hpp and CfgLoot.hpp. Now there is two...