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  1. O

    Vehicles Cruise Control

    Hi guys. Just an idea that appear in my head. I know that's sound weird, but do you think it would be possible to make a cruise control ? I know there is slow speed and fast speed in ArmA, but it's not really accurate. So, it should work like this : 1°) Enter a vehicle 2°) Drive 3°) Mouse...
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    Custom texture on a board

    Hi guys. I've made a little base, and i wan't to put a board with a picture saying "No entry allowed, military zone" So, i've made a 1024*512 jpg picture, with my text, named noentry.jpg In the editor, i've create a bilboard, and in the init field, i've add this SetObjectTexture...
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    Auto Refuel & Auto repair station not working good

    Hello guys ! I've a little problem with my auto repair part of script Here is the script : private ["_target", "_caller", "_id"]; _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _args = _this select 3; _amount = _args select 0; _amount2 = _args select 1; if (isNil...
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    Auto Refuel & Auto repair station not working good

    Hello guys ! I've a little problem with my auto repair part of script Here is the script : private ["_target", "_caller", "_id"]; _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _args = _this select 3; _amount = _args select 0; _amount2 = _args select 1; if (isNil...
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    Custom debug monitor Wrong text element 'null'

    Hi guys. I've the "Wrong text element 'null' " spam in my rpt. I know it come from the debug monitor, but I can't figure out why and where is the error in my script. Here is my script : fnc_debug = { debugMonitor = true; while {debugMonitor} do { _headShots =...
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    fn_selfactions remove some actions

    Hi guys. I'm running a private Epoch server, and i got a problem with some scripts. I've extract the descriptions.ext and fn_selfactions.sqf from my @Dayz_Epoch/addons/dayz_code.pbo, and when i add something like "Take clothes" or "Self bloodbag" or "Autorefuel" in the fn_selfactions.sqf...