Search results

  1. J

    DZAI and Zombies

    Question: Does anyone else have Epoch server deployed with DZAI and DZMS and have a problem with the zombies not aggroing onto the AI when they fire their weapons? I've set the option in the config DZAI_weaponNoise = true; and have the DZAI_zombieEnemy = truel also set( thing those...
  2. J

    SpawnSelect and Gender Select

    I run a modified server with custom skins. It was brought to my attention that nobody on the server was receiving the gender select screen. I looked through the config but couldn't find exactly where this would be called. Then for testing purposes i backed up my current server and...
  3. J

    Quick Question about AI shooting Zombies

    I've mad a private server (Epoch but i am having a problem where the AI doesn't shoot the zombies. I've tried various things found in other threads. However today i noticed that in Sarge's AI SAR_trace_entities.sqf the zombies are referred to as zZombie_Base, and in my arma2oaserver.rpt...