DZAI and Zombies


New Member

Does anyone else have Epoch server deployed with DZAI and DZMS and have a problem with the zombies not aggroing onto the AI when they fire their weapons? I've set the option in the config DZAI_weaponNoise = true; and have the DZAI_zombieEnemy = truel also set( thing those are variables writing this from memory atm) but the zombies ignore the AI even if they are right on top of them. I've tried a clean server install with nothing but the above mentioned mods to the same effect? Any ideas? I have no errors in the rpt log either.

It's no DZAI related problem, it's how the zombies work in DayZ.
First of all, the Zombies are created as Agents and belong to the side of citizen/civilian, and second a fsm file controls the behaviour of the zombies and in this file it only checks the area for players, not for unplayable units.

At the moment it exist no easy way to get Zombies attack the AI.
I got it to work. The zombies can't hurt the AI obviously but with some mods they will at least run towards the sound of the gunshot when an ai unit fires.
I take no credit for this, i discovered the code change in relation to another mod, and it seems to work, as i play with a pretty small group of people (less than 20) the server doesn't seem to mind it either, but we do restarts every 3-4 hours. This is DZAI running on Epoch

In the DZAI file in DZAI/compile/ai_alertzombies.sqf inisde the DZAI package you add to your server to pbo.

Comment out the following lines in red:

_zombie = _x;
if (_doRun) then {
diag_log format ["DEBUG :: LocalTarget %1 :::: remotetargets %2 ",_localtargets,_remotetargets];
_localtargets = _x getVariable ["localtargets",[]];
_remotetargets = _x getVariable ["remotetargets",[]];
_targets = _localtargets + _remotetargets;
if (!(_unit in _targets)) then {
_remotetargets set [count _remotetargets,_unit];
_x setVariable ["remotetargets",_remotetargets,true];
} else {
diag_log format ["DEBUG :: ZOMBIE %1",_zombie];
_zombie setVariable ["myDest",_pos,true];

paste the text below in blue below the commented out section

_zombie = _x;
if (_doRun) then {
_targets = _zombie getVariable ["targets",[]];
if (!(_unit in _targets)) then {
_targets set [count _targets,_unit];
_zombie setVariable ["targets",_targets,true];
} else {
_zombie setVariable ["myDest",_pos,true];

For me this worked. The zombies now aggro onto the AI, they can't hurt the AI because of the way ARMA II handles the AI but they will swarm them and should stay chasing them till you kill the AI or they despawn/run far enough away from the zombies.