and Full Moon Nights


I noticed that even with a forced full moon night it still seems rather dark for 2-3 hours after dusk, to try and get around this I edited my variables.sqf for dayz settings dayz_dawn and dayz_dusk and had dawn at 6 am and dusk at 6 pm but I still can not for the life of me get the moon to already be up after dusk and it still remains dark for a few hours even with clear nights as well.

Now I have tried editing the date in server_monitor and server_cleanup, but when I do that it makes the full moon disappear altogether. Has anyone else had this issue or found a fix for it?
Also, I have tried 24/7 full moon by overlapping dusk/dawn variables and that did not work, I'm currently trying to get it to skip time from 7 pm to 11 pm with this code

_date = date;
_date set [4, ((date select 4) + 4)];
setDate _date;

but that still did not do anything :/