3rd person view not working


New Member

I have built a namalsk server but for some reason the 3rd person view is not working, I tried changing the dificulty to regular but nothing. Any ideas?

No, I found the issue, I built the server with the options --with-killmsgs --with-messaging and --with-invcust and this looks like it build a faulty pbo file, I tried without the options and it works so.... Did somebody had the same issue?
if you execute the build command you should always check the results after it completes if it says file not found or a nother error you either mistyped a packagename, or there is an issue that should be reported to ayan4, i dont use invcust myself but a common error is ppl forgetting to run the db_migrate invcust schema :)
I had this same problem but not with 3rd person but trying to run a mercenary server and I wanted to enable VONID and netstat

I fixed this problem by going into the following folder dayz_1.chernarus\Users\dayz_1%2echernarus\

Renaming the file "dayz_1%2echernarus.ArmA2OAProfile" to "dayz_1%2echernarus.ArmA2Profile" then i copied the file "dayz_1.chernarus\Users\Bliss\Bliss.ArmA2OAProfile" to "dayz_1.chernarus\Users\dayz_1%2echernarus\" and renamed it "dayz_1%2echernarus.ArmA2OAProfile"

From there I was able to edit this file and enable/disable what I liked within the classes.