This one fixes the crashing isses and also enables better support for custom maps and plugins. The web admin was completly rewritten from nearly scratch and has tons of new features.
[NEW] Wrote complete perl DBIx Migration plugin using PHP, so perl is no longer needed
[NEW] Rewrote web admin CSS and design structure, cleaned up and removed unused ressources and code
[NEW] Controlcenter logos, hover effect for the navigation bar one, which redirects to the dashboard now
[NEW] Glowing table headers
[NEW] Login screen will not display a message when the username or password entered is wrong
[NEW] No more "Server did not respond message", now indicates that the server is offline
[NEW] Modlist only shows important mods, default addons are hidden
[NEW] Address on the dashboard is taken from an outside service, so it is the actual public IP now
[NEW] Added comments log, which allows server admins to add comments to communicate over the web interface
[NEW] New manage and overview page, allows you to have quick access to important features
[NEW] Vehicles are generated over the web admin now, using fully random part damage and inventory
[NEW] Buttons to quickly fix all vehicles, respawn destroyed ones, wipe them, delete dead players, ...
[NEW] Added "Kill process" button to the control page to force termination, outputs a message if it was successful
[NEW] That control page gets blocked when running an operation with a nice looking message
[NEW] View, download and delete the server logs, including rpt, hiveext and default log files
[NEW] View, download and delete the BattlEye logs
[NEW] Edit the bans file directly from your browser
[NEW] All BattlEye filters can be edited now too, compare file size and modify date
[NEW] Navbar was rewritten, clicking on an head item will lead you to the default page now
[NEW] Paging now works correctly and displays its current method in the url bar
[NEW] Check items page now uses an additional "banned.txt" file in "@dayzcc\htdocs\dayz" to show players using them
[NEW] Check items searches through tents inventory now too
[NEW] Player info page shows a warning message if the selected player has an item which is in that ban file
[NEW] Search allows passing options via get: "index.php?view=search&type=player&search=MyItem"
[NEW] Reorderes navigation menu
[NEW] Helicopter crashsites are marked with an orange icon to highlight the difference between them and wrecks
[NEW] Restyled user manage page, link to add new user is better visible now
[NEW] You can now edit already existing users by clicking on the edit icon on their entry
[NEW] Permissions are now set by using checkboxes when creating or editing a new user to make it easier
[NEW] Clicking on an item on the player inventory page allows you to change it, edit player inventory and skin this way
[NEW] Added links to delete a player, vehicle or deployable from the info page
[NEW] Moved wreck marker code to the markers file
[NEW] Setup accepts several new startup paramters
[NEW] Completly rewrote server installation script from scratch, it is ten times faster and smoother now
[NEW] Setup checks if MySQL user has grant permissions before actually adding a new user
[NEW] Added database migration batch file
[FIX] Dashboard clock now shows the static time if daytime only is enabled
[FIX] Flash embeding code uses new HTML standards now
[FIX] Inventory previews were of different size, now they are all aligned
[FIX] Tables are all aligned now properly
[FIX] Removed the ugly green from all buttons and other controls
[FIX] Fixed new search title containing wrong information
[FIX] Map Auto Refresh wasn't reloading the markers correctly or for the wrong map
[FIX] It wasn't possible to see the whitelist navbar entry even when the whitelist permission was there sometimes
[FIX] Some formatting issues on the tools page
[FIX] Deleting more than one user, vehicle or deployable only made the last one appear in the success message
[FIX] Info page fuel and damage value was to long sometimes, now it is is cut to fit the available space
[FIX] Removed links where they refered to nothing
[FIX] Raised maximum log lenght to load to 150 entries
[FIX] Faster map marker loading code
[FIX] You can edit web admin users without resetting the password, just leave the field blank
[FIX] Updated readme
[FIX] Fixed readme format looking strange from the setup
[FIX] MySQL server configurated to allow access from the outside
[FIX] Vehicles generation class was only generation on instance one
[FIX] Info now shows how many backpack items are used instead of how many are free
[FIX] Dashboard clock not showing correct time
[REM] Various unused or no longer used images
[REM] Cleaned up php and apache files and optimized filesize
[REM] PHP errors are now hidden
[REM] Old database migration script
[REM] XAMPP installation script and files
[REM] Removed perl
DayZ Server Controlcenter.exe
[NEW] Database browser gets preloaded on startup already
[NEW] Added settings for chive and web interface urls in the application config file
[NEW] You can now edit the backpack loadout too
[NEW] Clicking on the icon on the information page sends you to this homepage
[FIX] No more crashes of the Controlcenter when exiting
[FIX] Exception was thrown when a control was closed already, but some other thread tried to use it
[FIX] No longer using the perl migration script, but the newly written php one
[REM] Removed vehicle generation buttom from the Controlcenter
[REM] Removed CPU Count setting
[REM] Removed max vehicles option, was misunderstood too often and not used anymore
DayZ Server Setup.exe
[NEW] Setup accepts several new startup paramters
[NEW] Completly rewrote server installation script from scratch, it is ten times faster and smoother now
[NEW] Setup checks if MySQL user has grant permissions before actually adding a new user
[NEW] Added unhandled exception handling
[NEW] Started with the instance parameter, the setup will now change the instance value in the Controlcenter config file
[NEW] Instance number to work with is read from Controlcenter configuration
[NEW] Now outputs what most migration script exit codes mean
[NEW] MySQL user detail check before running migration script
[FIX] Better and faster XML Reading
[FIX] It wasn't possible to read the caption on the buttons when running it on Windows Server
[REM] Database creation and user granting, this is now handled by the the new migration script
This update would not be possible without the work done by SilverShot, ChemicalBliss and Facewound. Together we were able to write this awesome new web interface and add all features you can ever imaging to have for administration.
The crash on exit was solved with help of Vildez who found an interesting behaviour which directed me in the right direction for fixing it!
The following thread contains the new paramters you can start the applications with: [] Startup Parameters
[NEW] Wrote complete perl DBIx Migration plugin using PHP, so perl is no longer needed
[NEW] Rewrote web admin CSS and design structure, cleaned up and removed unused ressources and code
[NEW] Controlcenter logos, hover effect for the navigation bar one, which redirects to the dashboard now
[NEW] Glowing table headers
[NEW] Login screen will not display a message when the username or password entered is wrong
[NEW] No more "Server did not respond message", now indicates that the server is offline
[NEW] Modlist only shows important mods, default addons are hidden
[NEW] Address on the dashboard is taken from an outside service, so it is the actual public IP now
[NEW] Added comments log, which allows server admins to add comments to communicate over the web interface
[NEW] New manage and overview page, allows you to have quick access to important features
[NEW] Vehicles are generated over the web admin now, using fully random part damage and inventory
[NEW] Buttons to quickly fix all vehicles, respawn destroyed ones, wipe them, delete dead players, ...
[NEW] Added "Kill process" button to the control page to force termination, outputs a message if it was successful
[NEW] That control page gets blocked when running an operation with a nice looking message
[NEW] View, download and delete the server logs, including rpt, hiveext and default log files
[NEW] View, download and delete the BattlEye logs
[NEW] Edit the bans file directly from your browser
[NEW] All BattlEye filters can be edited now too, compare file size and modify date
[NEW] Navbar was rewritten, clicking on an head item will lead you to the default page now
[NEW] Paging now works correctly and displays its current method in the url bar
[NEW] Check items page now uses an additional "banned.txt" file in "@dayzcc\htdocs\dayz" to show players using them
[NEW] Check items searches through tents inventory now too
[NEW] Player info page shows a warning message if the selected player has an item which is in that ban file
[NEW] Search allows passing options via get: "index.php?view=search&type=player&search=MyItem"
[NEW] Reorderes navigation menu
[NEW] Helicopter crashsites are marked with an orange icon to highlight the difference between them and wrecks
[NEW] Restyled user manage page, link to add new user is better visible now
[NEW] You can now edit already existing users by clicking on the edit icon on their entry
[NEW] Permissions are now set by using checkboxes when creating or editing a new user to make it easier
[NEW] Clicking on an item on the player inventory page allows you to change it, edit player inventory and skin this way
[NEW] Added links to delete a player, vehicle or deployable from the info page
[NEW] Moved wreck marker code to the markers file
[NEW] Setup accepts several new startup paramters
[NEW] Completly rewrote server installation script from scratch, it is ten times faster and smoother now
[NEW] Setup checks if MySQL user has grant permissions before actually adding a new user
[NEW] Added database migration batch file
[FIX] Dashboard clock now shows the static time if daytime only is enabled
[FIX] Flash embeding code uses new HTML standards now
[FIX] Inventory previews were of different size, now they are all aligned
[FIX] Tables are all aligned now properly
[FIX] Removed the ugly green from all buttons and other controls
[FIX] Fixed new search title containing wrong information
[FIX] Map Auto Refresh wasn't reloading the markers correctly or for the wrong map
[FIX] It wasn't possible to see the whitelist navbar entry even when the whitelist permission was there sometimes
[FIX] Some formatting issues on the tools page
[FIX] Deleting more than one user, vehicle or deployable only made the last one appear in the success message
[FIX] Info page fuel and damage value was to long sometimes, now it is is cut to fit the available space
[FIX] Removed links where they refered to nothing
[FIX] Raised maximum log lenght to load to 150 entries
[FIX] Faster map marker loading code
[FIX] You can edit web admin users without resetting the password, just leave the field blank
[FIX] Updated readme
[FIX] Fixed readme format looking strange from the setup
[FIX] MySQL server configurated to allow access from the outside
[FIX] Vehicles generation class was only generation on instance one
[FIX] Info now shows how many backpack items are used instead of how many are free
[FIX] Dashboard clock not showing correct time
[REM] Various unused or no longer used images
[REM] Cleaned up php and apache files and optimized filesize
[REM] PHP errors are now hidden
[REM] Old database migration script
[REM] XAMPP installation script and files
[REM] Removed perl
DayZ Server Controlcenter.exe
[NEW] Database browser gets preloaded on startup already
[NEW] Added settings for chive and web interface urls in the application config file
[NEW] You can now edit the backpack loadout too
[NEW] Clicking on the icon on the information page sends you to this homepage
[FIX] No more crashes of the Controlcenter when exiting
[FIX] Exception was thrown when a control was closed already, but some other thread tried to use it
[FIX] No longer using the perl migration script, but the newly written php one
[REM] Removed vehicle generation buttom from the Controlcenter
[REM] Removed CPU Count setting
[REM] Removed max vehicles option, was misunderstood too often and not used anymore
DayZ Server Setup.exe
[NEW] Setup accepts several new startup paramters
[NEW] Completly rewrote server installation script from scratch, it is ten times faster and smoother now
[NEW] Setup checks if MySQL user has grant permissions before actually adding a new user
[NEW] Added unhandled exception handling
[NEW] Started with the instance parameter, the setup will now change the instance value in the Controlcenter config file
[NEW] Instance number to work with is read from Controlcenter configuration
[NEW] Now outputs what most migration script exit codes mean
[NEW] MySQL user detail check before running migration script
[FIX] Better and faster XML Reading
[FIX] It wasn't possible to read the caption on the buttons when running it on Windows Server
[REM] Database creation and user granting, this is now handled by the the new migration script
This update would not be possible without the work done by SilverShot, ChemicalBliss and Facewound. Together we were able to write this awesome new web interface and add all features you can ever imaging to have for administration.
The crash on exit was solved with help of Vildez who found an interesting behaviour which directed me in the right direction for fixing it!
The following thread contains the new paramters you can start the applications with: [] Startup Parameters