A.I kills counted on debug?

This prevents your player from being synced with the DB, that's one issue.

was teleporting at this time i thing and didnt moved after. However, it happens maybe once in a week tbh. its the first time i see this in my RPT.
I'll recheck the functionality of storing bandit and survivor kills on the player object in my environment.



New update fixed kill count for me :) thanks Sarge !
Any update on this? Not a huge deal as it doesn't impact gameplay, it's just a feature I have on the website. Stats tracking, top 10 lists, etc.

look at Sarge GitHub for latets Update.


is it possible to Count Headshots as well when killed by _aikiller ?
Atm it only counts Headshots on Zombies and other Players.

Greatz C.Project

look at Sarge GitHub for latets Update.


is it possible to Count Headshots as well when killed by _aikiller ?
Atm it only counts Headshots on Zombies and other Players.

Greatz C.Project
I've already loaded the latest files from the GitHub and the DB still isn't updated when someone kills an AI, and their humanity doesn't change when killing AI.
Since the last update is about 10 Hours ago.
You're sure you checked twice and changed the right files ?

couldnt test if Soldier kills will get counted
but a Bandit kill counts as a bandit kill
and a Survivor kill counts as a Murder.

Greatz C.Project
Since the last update is about 10 Hours ago.
You're sure you checked twice and changed the right files ?

couldnt test if Soldier kills will get counted
but a Bandit kill counts as a bandit kill
and a Survivor kill counts as a Murder.

Greatz C.Project
I literally just re-downloaded the mod from GitHub about an hour before posting my last message. It didn't seem to be logging stuff right away, but it seems to be doing OK now though. I'm not sure. I'll monitor it for the next couple of days.
not that straight forward. I would need to rewrite all Damage Handlers of the AI for that one to work.

On another note, Dayz doesnt count headshots on players - only headshots on Zeds are reported.

I'll keep it on my suggestions list.

Update on the issue of AI kills not logging to the DB.

We played for about 4 hours last night. According to my in-game debug console (Insert) I got 6 bandit kills. But only 5 were recorded to the DB. Others on the server had the same experience. They'd kill the AI, but it wouldn't register in the DB, only in-game.
Storing in the DB is not happening in my mod, that's part of the Dayz logic. i do store the kills on your playerobject, the syncing is then part od DAYz - might be that fails.

If you see the kills in the debug monitor, they are correctly logged on your player.

Just a Workaround...

Found in 1.5.2 Arma2OAserver.RPT
23:47:27 Error in expression <_ai_xp_type = SAR_AI_XP_NAME_3;

if (_ai_killer_xp < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2) then {
23:47:27   Error position: <_ai_killer_xp < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2) then {
23:47:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ai_killer_xp

Make a it to a comment in addons\SARGE\SAR_aikilled.sqf
if (_ai_killer_xp < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2) then {
    _ai_killer_xp_type = SAR_AI_XP_NAME_1;
if (_ai_killer_xp >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2 && _ai_killer_xp < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3) then {
    _ai_killer_xp_type = SAR_AI_XP_NAME_2;
if (_ai_killer_xp >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3) then {
    _ai_killer_xp_type = SAR_AI_XP_NAME_3;

and change every "promoted" (search on it) to:
_message = format["A %1 %2 was promoted!",_ai_xp_type,_ai_type];

Works now fine for me and every kill is count in DB and Debug Monitor

Sry for bad english, not my native :)