A List Of Suggestions


New Member
Not sure if this is even being worked on anymore but here is what I'd like to see.
- Fix this so we don't have to run huge mission files just to use the map.

Fix The Bridges
- A lot of the bridges are impossible to walk over, you just fall through.

- Make it so that the maps vegetation reflects what is south and what is north.
- The south should have palm-trees and sand-filled beaches, the north should be all pine-forest and the beaches should be less perfect.
- More dense forests across the map.
- The middle of the map could be a dense jungle with a river running straight through from east to west.

- Make one highway that circles around the island.
- Make the roads connect more like real roads with markings etc.

- Make the south more suitable for new players and move most of the military loot and barracks up north.
- Make players spawn in the south so they have to work for the loot that is further north.
- Keep medical supplies in the south or the middle to encourage players to keep moving around the map.

- Allow all Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead weapons to be spawned in the server, let the admins decide what should and should not be on the server.

- Allow all Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead vehicles to be spawned in the server, let the admins decide what should and should not be on the server.
Agree with all of this (especially the road systems). If possible I would like there to be a few more roads through mountains. I would also like maybe a few more islands and offshore oil rigs like Taviana has.
- Remove the wrecks from the sea and the ones placed on top of mountains and other wierd places.
- Most of the fortresses are not possible to enter and if you try you'll break your legs or worse.
- Make sure houses are possible to enter and not stuck down into the ground.
- Remove the Medical camp close to Taff Grove, it looks terrible and not usefull at all.