Add simple rule to BattlEye?


New Member

I'm currently getting kicked for "Script restriction #13" every time I try to enter "server controls" on my own server.

This is from the logs:
01.03.2014 15:35:06: untrust (xx.xx.80.84:2344) 545d0d9733d4xxxefd92b91cx6804666 - #13 "; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";"

How can I add a battleye filter that won't kick me for this?

Regards, Lima.
I don't have that line in my scripts.txt. Should I add it?

1 "markerText"
1 "markerColor"
1 "markerBrush"
1 "Logic" !"\"Logic\" createVehicleLocal" !"sideLogic" !"BIS_MPF_clientJIPlogic" !"_humanity_logic" !"ACE_Required_Logic"
1 "HelicopterExplo" !"createVehicle \[\"HelicopterExploSmall\",\(getPosATL _v\)"
5 "createVehicleLocal _fck"
5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\", \"HelicopterExploSmall\""
5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\",\"HelicopterExploSmall\""
5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\", \"HelicopterExplobig\""
5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\",\"HelicopterExplobig\""
5 "_classname = \"HelicopterExploBig\";"
5 "_fck select"
5 "FunctionsManager"
5 "dedicatedServerInterface"
5 "_logic = _this select 0;"
5 "_logic setpos \[1000,10,0\];"
5 "BattleFieldClearance"
5 "BIS_MPF_logic" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit"
5 "BIS_MPF_dummygroup" !="BIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit"
5 "_codeAHOFF"
5 "_first in"
5 "_commands"
5 "_agent setDamage 1"
5 "_unit createUnit"
5 "createUnit _array"
5 "\[_pos, _grp, \";\" \+"
5 "\+ \";\""
5 "\+\";\""
5 "\+ \";\"\]"
5 "\+\";\"\]"
5 "\], \"FunctionsManager\"\]"
5 "\],\"FunctionsManager\"\]"
5 "\], \"Logic\"\]"
5 "\],\"Logic\"\]"
5 "closeDisplay ="
5 "rJIPrequest =" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'"
5 "\{rJIPREQUEST" !"!isNil \{rJIPREQUEST\}"
5 "Ruslter"
5 "Systems Online"
5 "HangenderRE"
5 "vilegaming"
5 "v\.i\.\l\.e"
5 "Lystic"
5 "setDammage"
5 "compile toString"
5 "@TheWarZ"
5 "beeeh"
5 "dayz-injector-menu"
5 "Shadowy_NONRE"
5 "_cute"
5 "_stuff"
5 "_vgmenu"
5 "_func4"
5 "_genVar"
5 "_rand60"
5 "_first_term"
5 "_skarmory"
5 "_salamence"
5 "Init RE"
5" Nigger"
5 "\"You\""
5 "selectedItemCountLeft = lnbText"
5 "(getPosATL player) nearObjects [\"Man\", 15000]"
5 "[[\"Man\",\"Air\",\"Car\",\"Motorcycle\",\"Tank\",\"Ship\",\"StaticWeapon\"],250000]"
5 "action_crate1"
5 "_dummyveh"
5 "\], 40000\]\)"
5 "\(getPosATL player\) nearObjects \[\"Man\", 200\];"
5 "\(nearestObject \[player, \"Rabbit\"\]\)"
5 "try saving"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemSilverBar\",50\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",50\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemGoldBar\",50\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",50\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",50\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemSilverBar\",500\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",500\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemGoldBar\",500\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",500\];"
5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal\[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",500\];"
No, don't add it.

This line is kicking you:
5 "dedicatedServerInterface"

Just change the 5 to a 1.
That works, thanks a bunch.

I have another small question, if thats alright. It may be to small of an issue to create an entire new post on it :)
I'm kinda struggling to get BattlEye to obey my commands while in game. I want to be able to shutdown the server and to say something globally to all players on the server, but it just doesn't work and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. This is what I'm doing:
#login <passwd>
(Server responds with 'logged in as admin')
#say -1 <something>
(nothing happens)
#say <player> <something>
(nothing happens>

However, when using the DART client, it does send the messages I write.

Any ideas?
Hm, I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that there was a BE #say command.

How can I switch to the BE global chat? And just to clarify - when you mean global chat, you mean that red BattlEye text which only admins can use?
Actually, scratch that - I just tested, and I now see what you mean :)

But if I write something in global channel, like fx. !say <something> for BEC, wont other people be able to see that I write "!say <text>" ?